Posted by Auction!

Great fairy| g2 18M
PF (#284477)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-14 14:57:45
Welcome to the Lionesse Auction! try bid the most to win the lionesse! //muties are here!!//

◈Only bid what you have!◈
◈All auctions will end when the last bid lasts 90h◈
◈If you win an auction, I will send you a private trade and you have 10h to pay
for the lion(s), If you don’t, they will be put back on the auction◈
◈Do not argue, complain or harass anyone if they bid higher than you or buys
out a certain lion before you. I do NOT want to see any negativity◈
◈I accept both SB & GB as payment, as well as some items listed below◈
◈1 = 1200◈


SB- insert price
Autobuy-8 gb

Gb- Insert price


SB- Insert price

Buyout- 13 gb

GB- Insert price


SB- Insert price

Autobuy- 5 gb Or 2k

Gb- Insert price


Sb- Insert price

AutoBuy- 240 SB

Gb- Insert price


have fun!

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Edited on 21/10/22 @ 18:20:01 by BeetleSneeze (#284477)

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