Posted by New Title ideas?

Wolffe Spider (#266275)

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Posted on
2022-09-16 18:41:54
I love getting new titles, so here are some ideas:
If I should make more than one post for each category, please tell me.

Breeding dependent ones:
Mad Scientist: Gotten by using a CRB and a GMO cow on the same lioness
~eg. Mad Scientist cambrian explosion, cambrian explosion the Mad Scientist.

Slightly Unhappy Scientist: Gotten by combining a CRB and a Lion Meat
~eg. cambrian explosion the Slightly Unhappy Scientist
---- OR Sad Scientist, Grumpy scientist.

February Titles:
Gotten by getting 100(?) thoughts.
I wasn't on Lioden in February so I'm not sure how easy/hard it would be to get this many.
~eg. Happy cambrian explosion, cambrian explosion the Happy
~eg. Frivolous cambrian explosion, cambrian explosion the Frivolous
~eg. Awkward cambrian explosion, cambrian explosion the Awkward

Thats all I have for now, feel free to give me your thoughts!

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