Posted by [closed] G3 swarm leopon cub!

🍃Mercutio🍃 (#253677)

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Posted on
2022-09-18 15:53:29

I’ve got a G3 swarm based leopon cub with MR at 100%! she’s completely clean!
looking for a low gen (pref G3 or G4) tigon cub!
can definitely take a gon with a longer heritage, but no more than G6.
will consider any gons offered!
If you have a first-gen gon cub, I can offer applicators and other lions from my pride as well!

Link to the pon:

sorry if you’ve got to copy and paste the links, I only ever use these forums for advertising studs 😅 feel free to PM me, offer on the trade, or offer on this post! any of those are fine with me

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Edited on 20/09/22 @ 10:31:27 by Mercutio 🦎it/he🦎 (#253677)

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