Posted by New player need help price check
Horsecatdog (#309836)

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Posted on
2022-09-20 00:12:03
Hi im not very sure how to price my lionnesses for sale. I have some muties I definitely want to keep but the other lionnes I would actually like to sell so If anyone can look at my den and help me figure out a way to price them individually or together I would be very grateful

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NOTTHEMILK (#241170)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 16:04:11
Hi. I'll admit I'm by far not the wisest as I haven't been here very long either. A good way to price lions (muties or lions with special bases especially) is to go the the trade center and look for similar lions for sale.

Regular lions tend to get a bit more wacky though, unless I am trading a lion that has a lot of BO (breed only) markings or other valuable traits I tend to default to 50sb+10xthe amount of markings for cubs and 100sb+10xthe amount of markings for adults. As a rule of thumb though, males tend to go for less because the have less uses than females.

It is also best to sell NCLs (newly claimed lionesses) in packs because people who are doing mass-breeding projects will be more likely to buy them (10-20 SB per lioness seems the fairest but you might be able to get more!)

Like I said I'm not the best guy around for lion pricing, so if you can find someone who looks smarter you may want to defer to them.

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