Posted by 🌱 froggies pond 🌱 10/10 new lions added!!

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:32:25
- Froggies' Pond -
Lion Sales, Auctions, Studs, & More!


hi! I'm froggies, and this is where my friends and I will be selling our lions! I'm usually quite active here on lioden, and will do my best to keep things updated in a timely manner!
I love lion auctions, I partake in them all the time, in fact, my frequent participation in auctions is actually the reason I need to make this post, I desperately need to downsize! I hope that in doing so, I can help you find a new member for your pride!



1. be respectful to each other! (and to me & my friends!) playfulness is okay though!

2. if you have a question about a lion belonging to one of my friends, ask me first! I can directly message them on other platforms and should get an answer back rather quickly!

3. all lions will be shown aged up at regular opacity! additional info regarding the lion or the auction/sale for said lion will be posted for each individual, rather than as a general rule. lions will not come with poses/backgrounds unless specifically stated.

4. please only bid what you know you can afford! if someone backs out on a sale or auction, the lion will be put back for sale or sold to the second highest bidder.

5. my friends and I reserve the right to cancel an auction or sale if need be, however, we will try to avoid this if possible!



items on this list have been approved as a substitute for currency on lions owned by froggies. if you have questions about an item not shown here, feel free to ask!

1 = 1000

Cub Sex Changer = 1
Good Pose = 1
Kind Pose = 1
Neutral Pose = 1
Lab Test Frog = 2
Marking Opacity Changer = 2
Touch Of Demiurge = 8
GMO Cow = 20

NOTE: if you pay with an item worth more than the lion, the remainder of the currency the item would’ve been worth can be saved for additional/future lions!



for limited time, almost any lion can be autobought with an opacity changer! this includes muties! I may even do a two for one or maybe even 3 for one deal on some lions! if you're curious if a lion can be bought with an opacity changer, or would like to propose a bundle, feel free to ask!

I need 6 opacity changers. deal will end once I have obtained all 6.

The deal is now over, but stay tuned for future deals!


Scroll down for lions!

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Edited on 10/10/22 @ 13:18:36 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:32:39
- Pondside Auctions -
Froggies' Lion Auctions

These lions are available to purchase through auction. Typically they will have a starting bid (SB), minimum increase (MI), current bid (CB, if applicable), and Autobuy (AB, if applicable). Potential buyers will place bids in order to win the auction for the lion, unless the option to autobuy is desired and available.


- Kira - 5m August Event Stud Lioness -

Female - 2 years, 9 months as of 9/22

Slot 1: Red Cozy (57%)
Slot 3: Noctis Grunge (55%)
Slot 5: Noctis Smudge (49%)
Slot 7: Auburn Quail Flecks (50%)
Slot 9: Shell Luster (50%)

SB: 50
MI: 50
CB: 50 audinoo (#135415)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 20th


- Akuma - 5m Chased NCL -

Female - 3 years, 2 months as of 9/22

Slot 1: Red Cozy (74%)
Slot 4: Scoria English Spots (50%)
Slot 6: Auburn Thrashed Back (46%)
Slot 7: Auburn Quail Flecks (41%)
Slot 8: Hyena Spots Heavy Noctis (88%)

SB: 50
MI: 25
CB: None
AB: 1 or offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Kali - 5m August Event Stud Lioness -

Female - 2 years, 10 months as of 9/26

Slot 1: Red Upendezi (50%)
Slot 5: Blue Coat (56%)
Slot 7: Scoundrel Pelage (60%)
Slot 8: Noctis Ticking (50%)
Slot 10: Black Vesture (21%)

SB: 50
MI: 25
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Tomura's Silverpelt -

Female - 4 years, 2 months as of 9/28

Rare Base: Chartreux (Black Skin)

Slot 4: Steele Indri (16%)
Slot 6: White Lace (20%)
Slot 7: White Soft Unders (11%)

This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
11, 13, 14

SB: 100
MI: 5
CB: None
AB: 400

Accepted Currency:
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- ENDED - Strawberry - Chased NCL -

Female - 4 years, 8 months as of 9/29

Chased NCL

Slot 1: White Panther (53%)
Slot 2: Merlot Mist (28%)
Slot 3: Proteles Heavy White (48%)
Slot 5: Fuchsia Feline (55%)
Slot 6: Hoarfrost Dust (58%)
Slot 8: Bloody Scraped Grunge (56%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 Winter(Semi-hiatus/random) (#265714)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 13th


- Pebble - Chased NCL -

Female - 4 years, 8 months as of 9/29

Chased NCL

Slot 2: Brown Gradient 1 (81%)
Slot 5: Feline 9 Elysian (23%)

SB: 50
MI: 25
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Kiara - 4m Very Low Fertility Lioness -

Female - 2 years, 5 months old as of 9/22

Fertility: Very Low

Slot 1: Chocolate Back Spotting (11%)
Slot 2: Cinnabar Socks (32%)
Slot 5: Briar Brindle (11%)
Slot 9: Noctis Cheetah Royal (69%)

This lion has 2 markings hidden on the following slots:
11, 12

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 Riley (#154101)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 16th


- Gilded - 3m Lioness -

Female - 2 years 1 months as of 10/2

Slot 4: Ginger Quagga (24%)
Slot 7: Classic Half Front (15%)
Slot 9: Gilded Crumbing (59%)

SB: 100
MI: 50
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- ENDED - Rán's Chased Vagabond -

Female - 3 years 11 months as of 10/5

Chased NCL

Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (93%)
Slot 2: Vagabond Mirage (41%)
Slot 4: Ukame Marble (77%)
Slot 7: Scoundrel Pelage (52%)
Slot 9: Red Tail Carving (55%)

SB: 150
MI: 50
CB: 150 Winter(Semi-hiatus/random) (#265714)
AB: 2

Accepted Currency: or !
End Date: October 13th


- Midna - 5m Lioness -

Female - 8 months as of 10/10

Slot 4: Feline 4 Elysian (51%)
Slot 5: Bone Soft Unders (10%)
Slot 7: Quartz Underfelt (36%)
Slot 8: Windfall Maofelis (37%)
Slot 10: Vitiligo 2 (6%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 Nixxi (#345882)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 21st


Scroll down for more lions!

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 13:20:44 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:32:44
- Pondside Auctions (Continued) -
Froggies' Lion Auctions

These lions are available to purchase through auction. Typically they will have a starting bid (SB), minimum increase (MI), current bid (CB, if applicable), and Autobuy (AB, if applicable). Potential buyers will place bids in order to win the auction for the lion, unless the option to autobuy is desired and available.


- ENDED - Demon - 4m Male -

Male (Sex-Changeable) - 6 months as of 10/3

Slot 5: Demonic Feralis (87%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Ebony (40%)
Slot 7: Blue Points (16%)
Slot 9: Hibiscus Undercover (70%)

SB: 25
MI: 25
CB: 500 vance (#183196)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 14th


- Grapesicle- 6m VLF Lioness -

Female - 5 months as of 10/3

Fertility: Very Low

Slot 1: Sunset Siamese (49%)
Slot 5: Reindeer Ghost Feralis (53%)
Slot 7: Pulsar Margay (41%)
Slot 8: Sunrise Margay (26%)
Slot 9: Lilac Margay (52%)
Slot 10: Bone Underfur (34%)

SB: 50
MI: 25
CB: 150 Eli!<3 (he/him)🏳‍⚧ (#340599)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 19th


- Hibiscus - 5m Lioness -

Female - 6 months as of 10/3

Slot 3: Hibiscus Rogue (15%)
Slot 5: Fuchsia Feline (84%)
Slot 7: Sunrise Feline Unders (53%)
Slot 8: Noctis Ghost Feralis (79%)
Slot 9: White Eyebrows (43%)

SB: 25
MI: 25
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Yeena -

Female - 1 years 5 months as of 10/6

Slot 5: Hyena Stripes Scarce White (61%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Juniper - 5m Lioness -

Female - 5 months as of 10/6

Slot 1: Sunset Siamese (38%)
Slot 3: Sunrise Speckles (34%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Ebony (37%)
Slot 7: Blue Points (10%)
Slot 10: Water Hyacinth Margay (83%)

SB: 100
MI: 50
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Scoundrel - 4m Uncommon Base -

Male (Sex-Changeable - 8 months as of 10/6

Uncommon Base: Willow (White Skin)

Slot 2: Leonid Undershine (54%)
Slot 3: Leonid Coat (82%)
Slot 5: Scoundrel Pelage (29%)
Slot 7: Cloudburst Mist (51%)

SB: 100
MI: 50
CB: None
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: None ATM (7 rollovers after starting bid or 2 rollovers after first acceptable offer)


- Rosie - 3m Fuchsia Lioness -

Female - 1 years 10 months as of 10/6

Slot 3: Briar Dapple (38%)
Slot 7: White Marozi (18%)
Slot 10: Fuchsia Feline (71%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 Catastrophe [G8 Demi Ferus] (#314307)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 19th


- Gold Rosette -

Female - 8 months as of 10/10

Slot 1: White Soft Unders (36%)
Slot 5: Gold Rosette (46%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 Riley (#154101)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 17th


- Thrasher - 4m Lioness -

Female - 7 months as of 10/10

Slot 5: Reindeer Ghost Feralis (42%)
Slot 6: Auburn Thrashed Back (85%)
Slot 9: Shell Luster (32%)
Slot 10: Bone Underfur (43%)

SB: 100
MI: 25
CB: 100 | * Nova * | / They | Them (#354195)
AB: Offer

Accepted Currency: or or items!
End Date: October 19th


Scroll down for more lions!

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 13:23:50 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:33:22
- Froggies' Lilypad Lounge -
Lions Up For Offers

These lions don't have a set price or bidding options. Instead, potential buyers are welcome to submit offers for the lions they are interested in. These are lions that I am unsure how to price, but willing to part with for the right offer!


- Yasmin - 7m Lioness -

Female - 3 years as of 10/2

Slot 1: Noctis Dapple (69%)
Slot 2: Noctis Points (42%)
Slot 3: Noctis Undersides (74%)
Slot 6: Windfall Vitiligo (21%)
Slot 7: Windfall Maofelis (52%)
Slot 8: Gold Panther (12%)
Slot 9: Gold Ghost Feralis (1%)

Accepted Currency: or or items!
Highest Offer: 500 osdok (#349548)


- Polycaudal -

Female - 3 months as of 10/3

Mutation: Polycaudal
Fertility: Very Low

Slot 1: White Unders (80%)
Slot 6: Under Silky 6 (18%)
Slot 7: Black Paw Spotting (47%)
Slot 9: Black Cowl (7%)

Accepted Currency: or or items OR other polycaudals!
Highest Offer: 4 vance (#183196)


- Dew's Chased -

Female - 3 years 1 months as of 0/00

Chased NCL
Fertility: Very Low

Slot 2: Vagabond Mirage (13%)
Slot 4: Under Golden 6 (99%)
Slot 5: Blue Coat (57%)
Slot 6: Vagabond Reverse Indri (50%)
Slot 9: Red Tail Carving (44%)

Accepted Currency: or or items!
Highest Offer: 100 Winter(Semi-hiatus/random) (#265714)


- Seraphina -

Female - 1 years 10 months as of 10/6

Slot 5: White Inverted Brawl (85%)
Slot 6: Noctis Margay (82%)
Slot 8: Pistachio Undercover (31%)
Slot 9: Vitiligo 4 (43%)
Slot 10: Noctis Cheetah Heavy (86%)

Accepted Currency: or or items!
Highest Offer: 300 Riley (#154101)


Scroll down for more lions!

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Edited on 12/10/22 @ 13:27:37 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:33:29
- Ribbiting Runaways -
Froggies' Flat Sale Lions

I am currently keeping all of my flatsale lions together with my auction lions within my "Unsorted" dens! Flatsale lions are marked in their names with their cost, I try to keep them on the TC whenever possible for ease of purchase, but if you find one you'd like who isn't on the TC please let me know!


- Main Account Sales Den -

- Secondary Account Sales Den -


Scroll down for our featured studs!

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Edited on 06/10/22 @ 14:39:30 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:33:34
- Song Of The Royals -
Featured Studs


- King Kaiju AKA pixelgrem -

Primal - he/him
Rare Base: Noctis (Black Skin)

Slot 1: Sunset Siamese (96%)
Slot 2: Mocha Face (89%)
Slot 5: Reindeer Ghost Feralis (94%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Ebony (86%)
Slot 7: Blue Points (16%)
Slot 9: Lilac Margay (25%)
Slot 10: Bone Underfur (72%)

175 OR 1 (GB payment gets 10 refunded studs!)


- My Queen AKA pumpkiinz -

Natural Piebald - she/her
Rare Base: Noctis (Pale Skin)

Slot 1: Steele Pelage (14%)
Slot 5: Bone Soft Unders (28%)
Slot 7: Quartz Underfelt (59%)
Slot 10: Vitiligo 2 (32%)

150 or 1 (GB payment gets 10 refunded studs!)


- Rán's Deathwing -

Primal - he/him
Uncommon Base: Onyx (Black Skin)

Slot 8: Feline 3 Noctis (1%)

100 or 1


- Rán's Bifröst -

Echo Piebald - he/him

Slot 2: Peach Speckles (59%)
Slot 3: Labradorite Mesh (56%)
Slot 5: Pulsar Margay (44%)
Slot 8: Haliotis English Spots (57%)
Slot 9: Feline 8 Orchid (68%)
Slot 10: Haliotis Cheetah (93%)

150 or 1


- Tomura's Flaxfur -


Special Base: Divine (Lagoon Skin)

Slot 1: Clay Cowl (61%)
Slot 2: Steele Back (92%)
Slot 3: Onyx Cheetah Royal (100%)
Slot 4: Black Back Hair (37%)
Slot 5: Ritual Indri (60%)
Slot 6: Locust Inverted Quagga (80%)



- Dew's Frost Warning -


Slot 1: Feline 9 Orchid (52%)
Slot 2: Henna Ends (40%)
Slot 5: Steele Smudge (42%)
Slot 6: Onyx Ringed (83%)
Slot 7: Brown Cover (56%)
Slot 10: Pulsar Margay (56%)

This lion has 3 markings hidden on the following slots:
11, 12, 13

1 or 150


That's all for now, thanks for stopping by!

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Edited on 03/10/22 @ 10:26:06 by froggies (#330381)

froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 04:33:43
Reference Code

Disregard this!

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Edited on 03/10/22 @ 04:49:56 by froggies (#330381)

Jay Blu (#155269)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 12:37:57
bidding on haru with the SB of 100 sb!

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froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 12:42:55
bid has been added!! <3

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Wyn| G1 Purple BO (#344111)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 13:11:00
SB on the felis! :D No AB on him?

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froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 13:16:28
I'll have your bid added right away! :D
Dew requested no AB for now, but if that changes I'll be sure to notify ASAP!! <3

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Wyn| G1 Purple BO (#344111)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 14:17:07
Ok, totally fine :D

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froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 14:56:16
a few more lions added!

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froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-09-22 15:34:28
even more lions added! I think that'll be all of them for today!

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Nixxi (#345882)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 15:46:29
ab on - Takki - 4m Lioness - :)

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froggies (#330381)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-09-22 15:49:47
thank you so much!!!! I'll set up the trade right away!!! <3

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 17:49:53 by froggies (#330381)

Memory Used: 686.39 KB - Queries: 2 - Query Time: 0.00036 - Total Time: 0.00552s