Posted by Selling 3 Cubs + 5 Breeding Slots! 🦁

ButterflyBoo (#357107)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 16:00:49
I know the breeding slot part probably belongs in Looking For Studs but since I'm selling cubs as well I figured I'd place this topic here!

I'm selling 5 Breeding Slots from my Piebald Mutie, Tione, 2 Cubs and 1 Piebald Cub which will be born in 2-3 Days. for SB, GB, or any Items you can think of, I suck at pricing things so I always just leave it up to whoever offers lol.

This is Tione, My Heir. His Mutation is Piebald (Shreds), Here's his Markings/Information:

Onto the cubs, We have Leopold and Onyx.

The Piebald Cub will of course be born soon, Feel free to offer or message me! ❤

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