Posted by Ferolykos [Closed Species] - Open

Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 18:23:23

Lines were done by Ovi (#210659)
↠ First and foremost, Ferolykos is an original, CLOSED species, you may not claim it as your own, and the only way to obtain one is through me by auction/flatsale/custom design or an exchange with an owner of one.
↠ Give credit where it is due, you may not resell your Ferolykos, but you are allowed to gift or trade your Ferolykos to someone, as long as I am notified beforehand so I can update the archive to who it was given to.
↠ You are not allowed to edit the lineart whatsoever, and you may not make any changes to the design unless you let me know beforehand. Please do not remove my watermark.
↠ Only bid what you have, and please refrain from backing out of an auction if possible.
↠ The autobuy will be automatically set high to encourage bidding.
↠ Please be kind and respectful to everyone else on the thread, and refrain from getting upset if you don't win an auction.

↠ After bidding, unwatermarked version will be sent via DMs or, just let me know which you’d prefer!

Credits can be given to my here, Clicky~

Ferolykos information
The Ferolykos is a prehistoric canid species of sorts. They are social creatures with a primarily matriarchal hierarchy, packs typically female dominated and males considered something uncommon, but not quite rare. They are incredibly intelligent and expressive with social cues that range from shifts in body language to a variety of vocalizations.

More information available below <3

Auctions end 3 days after the last bid.

CB: -
AB: -


CB: -
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CB: -
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Customs [Open!]
You can ask below in the thread and I’ll be happy to send you the form, or DM me! I can take refs or descriptions c:
Price varies on complexity of the design.

1. N/A
2. N/A

Accepted methods of payment!

I accept GB, SB, USD, and items.
GB / SB equivalent is 1 / 1000
GB / USD equivalent is 2 / 1 USD

I accept most apps (base, markings, eye, et cetera) at the lowest branch price, and I will also accept any breedings items for the same.

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Edited on 30/12/22 @ 10:23:49 by Cheruwolf (G5 6k Tri Ros) (#91514)

Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 18:24:07

Exploration [Open]
- Prices are subject to change as designs develop. -
Form -
Site: (ie. Hidden Forest)
Quantity: (How many explorations)
Payment: (GB, SB, etc)

Hidden Forest - 8
It takes a minute for you to realize the trail you're on isn't the same one as you were a minute ago. The environment is darker, almost barren of any life aside from its greenery. You're half a mile in when the grass starts to look rich, the dirt trail illuminated by the rays of sunlight peeking through the vibrant leaves of the trees towering over the trail. It looks like a different world; the colors are much richer and vibrant, you can spot several patches of glowing fungus growing along the trees roots and up the trunk. There's plants you've never seen, everything looks somehow larger than normal as you venture further.

- Variety of colors | Darker shades are most common | Common/Uncommon Ferolykos | Fair chance of vibrancy in markings and bioluminescence -

Desolate Tundra - 8
A Ferolykos is required to explore here.
It's cold. You're in the middle of a vast expanse of tundra when you realize you're not built for this kind of weather, shivering and holding onto the comforting fur of the Ferolykos at your side. They keep sparing glances at you like they're absolutely done, occasionally letting out little huffs when you grip their fur just a little tighter and snuggle a little closer. They Ferolykos at your side comes to an abrupt halt just as you spot familiar tracks in the snow, identical to the ones left by the big predator you keep as a companion. With their help, you're lead off to follow the trail.

- Variety of colors in lighter shades| Monochromatic designs are common| Fair chance of uncommon Ferolykos | Low chance of rare Ferolykos (ie. more complex designs) | Very low chance of finding a male -

Aurora Caverns - 12
You've ventured deep inside Hidden Forest, you think it's been probably hours since you first entered the boundaries of the forest. You find a stream; you've passed several, but this one is starting to glow the further you walk down alongside it. You follow it down for what seems like hours until you look up and spot a faint light in the distance, hurrying down the river until you cross over a wobbly bridge of boulders in the water and finally come to the mouth of the cave. You can hardly see much, but you guess it probably travels for miles. You take a deep breath and venture in, following the stream of glowing blue water. It starts to get dark about a mile in, and you nearly have a heart attack when you blindly run into and through a heavy curtain of vines and plants until you finally come through the end and see the burst of light in the cave. It's a large cavern, you conclude, and everything is glowing. You step through dark grass that blooms with light with every step, following the stream until it eventually branches out into three different pathways. Which one will you take?

- Cool and darker shades of color | Higher chance of vibrancy in markings and bioluminescence | Higher chance of finding rare Ferolykos (ie. more complex designs) | Low chance of finding a male -

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Edited on 23/12/22 @ 16:39:57 by Cheruwolf (G5 6k Tri Ros) (#91514)

Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 18:24:24

Breeding [Closed|WIP]

Welcome to the breeding section! You can only breed if you have two Ferolykos of the opposite gender, OR have come to breed to females with the use of an item. Public studs will occasionally pop up for use, so be quick!

Public Studs

"Aurora Cavern's Morpheus" Currently inactive.

- High chance of vibrancy and bioluminescence in markings
- High chance of dark cool-toned colors
Stud price - 5

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Edited on 23/12/22 @ 15:52:33 by Cheruwolf (G5 6k Tri Ros) (#91514)

Ovi (#210659)

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Posted on
2022-09-22 20:59:56
You have thy permission to use mine line art ;)

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NocTerra|Ely|G1 (#118146)

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Posted on
2022-10-11 10:50:45
SB on Andromeda and Ophelia please!

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-10-11 11:48:24

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ddyyuu ~Collector
Groupie~ (#280)

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Posted on
2022-10-11 17:12:47
SB on Artemis please c:

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-10-11 17:19:19

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she/her⚢🇰🇿 (#211869)

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Posted on
2022-10-13 06:38:26
2GB on Ophelia please

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-10-13 06:42:13

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ddyyuu ~Collector
Groupie~ (#280)

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Posted on
2022-10-15 11:41:58
(Am I safe to send over payment for Artemis? c: )

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Malicious Intent
[he/him] (#157852)

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Posted on
2022-10-15 12:32:13
ignore! my bad :'}

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Edited on 15/10/22 @ 12:34:12 by SourMilkTea🎃[He/Him] (#157852)

Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-10-16 11:58:23
Apologies! I was inactive all day yesterday. All current adopt auctions are finished and I’ll be contacting those who had current bids in ^^ I’ll have new adopts up soon! <3

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-12-23 16:15:44
Thread is back open! Here are some updates~

- Three new adopts are up!
- Exploration has been opened
- The breeding section is up with a stud, but currently closed due to wip on items and section overall
- Items and item explorations are being worked on, will include breeding items, items for markings/color, etc
- An archives thread has been made! Clicky~ Please be sure to post your Ferolykos to keep track <3

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StygianSunshine (#351913)

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Posted on
2022-12-23 16:23:04
These are super cute oml could I explore the hidden forest ^^

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Cheruwolf (G2 2.1k+
TriRose) (#91514)

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Posted on
2022-12-23 16:34:17
@StygianSunshine, Yup! Noted~

Updated the exploration section and added the form <3 (I forgot lol)

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