Joosepi's Spectacular Auction Rules: 1. Be nice, of course 2. Don't spam, it doesn't help you get a lion sooner 3. Lions will automatically be sold to the highest bidder after 5 rollovers 4. After you win the auction, I will start the trade with you 5. Minimum bid increase is 50sb 6. PM me is you want to use and item instead of pure GB, I'll tell you if I'll accept them or not Lions For Auction Female 1 Regular Opacity 100% Opacity SB: 200sb CB:TBD AB: 3gb Male 1 Regular Opacity 100% Opacity SB: 200sb CB:TBD AB: 3gb Male 2 Regular Opacity 100% Opacity SB: 200sb CB:TBD AB: 3gb Female 2 Regular Opacity 100% Opacity SB: 200sb CB:TBD AB: 3gb Updated Regularly Magic #360438
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