Posted by Raffles in Clan Chat

|✦Tacatto✦| (#14803)

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Posted on
2022-10-01 13:01:01
Clan hosted raffles are public raffles made on a clan's behalf for everyone to join, outside of the weekly in-clan raffle system. Which means it uses the Lioden system for Raffles. It helps bring in extra currency and items for the clan while raffling away some items taken/donated to the clan. With the Clan Channel coming back it means all clan related advertisements have to go there. The only issue is the Clan Channels tells you, you cant post raffle links there. I had asked the mods recently on a Clan Raffle for clarification on a few things and they said the only place to advertise the public raffle is in the clan channel. If the Channel doesn't allow raffle links it makes it impossible to advertise it. I understand the meaning behind it but its a bit hindering if we can not post the Clan hosted Raffle anywhere for members to join. We can throw out a clan message stating the clan raffle but that only gets to clan members.

The thought of suggesting Outlawing the Outside Clan Raffles has crossed my mind and here is my argument for that. A clan is meant to bring people together for a purpose. Either to hang out, join raffles, help others, be collected and united, or so be it. Helping out others can mean everyone or just clan members. Outside clan raffles could help everyone, especially the new members who may not know much about clans at first.

Sure someone could create the raffle and then donate all of the prizes after but why hide the fact that it is all going to the clan instead of a single member? Especially if the lion, items, or currency was donated to the clan originally.

I suggest somehow reworking this. Either by allowing members to post Clan hosted raffles there, creating a way for outsiders to join in-clan Raffles, or create a section in the Raffles Tab to create Clan Raffles where you can host it on behalf of the clan. (making it where you can make it last longer than a week or run sooner then a week.)

I would love to hear others opinions on the matter. Either supported or against or even ways to consider. These are my personal feelings about it. I feel like clans are neglected a little or hindered in ways they can express themselves or help others.

This suggestion has 7 supports and 2 NO supports.

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