Posted by βœ¨πŸŒ™βœ¨ Ignore βœ¨πŸŒ™βœ¨

Astrohaze (#230808)

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Posted on
2022-10-02 13:15:36



Welcome to Astro-Auction! Here you’ll find many beautiful lions looking for new homes! There are some rules and things that need to be followed before placing bids, so here they are!

Rules & Things:

πŸͺ 1,000 SB = 1 GB

πŸͺ Minimum Increase: 100 SB for Non-Muties

πŸͺ Minimum Increase: 200 SB for Muties

πŸͺ If for some reason you have to pull a bid, just let me know beforehand.

πŸͺ All payments should be made after at least 48 hours after winning or the lion(s) will be put back up for auction. If you communicate with me through private messages, we may be able to come to an agreement for an extended time limit, but you will only receive your auction prize after payment.

πŸͺ After a lion’s first bid, their auction will end after five rollovers, unless they are auto-bought!

πŸͺ All lions will be shown as adults with markings at 100% to show their true potential, and will have links to their pages so their original looks can be seen as well.

πŸͺ Lions do not come with the poses or backgrounds shown in the post unless stated otherwise.

πŸͺ Any male lions will be shown with a female version in case you want to sex-change them. This is done whether they are sex-changeable or not, though they should all be.

πŸͺ Items can be offered, but I will only accept them if I like what’s offered. Decors and applicators are most desired, and I’ll take breeding items, too.

πŸͺ Lions can be offered, but they will be accepted tentatively as I really don’t want to have 700 mouths to feed πŸ˜… I love rosettes, other pretty markings and natural colors!


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Edited on 25/12/22 @ 23:30:24 by Astrohaze (#230808)

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