Posted by muties!!!

Tokyo_happy (#328909)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-02 17:21:15
okay so im new too this but this is a mutie raffle or normal lion raffle!

some items i accept will be listed below!
-crunchy worm 20gb
-ibf 2gb
-gmo cow 20gb!
-Orche thing 15gb
-zebra heart 2gb
-crb 2gb
-pennyroyal 1gb
-i also take apps!!!
so besides all that there will be a form here soon for admins in this thread!
other than that, there will not be any surprises without them saying they want a surprise.
if someone sends a surprise talk with them and if they don't change it then contact me or the admin team dw we will be getting everything settled, as well as we will delete their comment and hope it does not happen again! Do not forget i will be doing raffles here too so yeah!
FOR NOW ITS A MUTIE THING- if i ever say anything else then yeah.

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