Posted by ✨Gorilla Enclave but Lioness Pride✨

WaspHoney (#330513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-04 14:25:50
Hey! So this idea has probably already been thought of, but I thought it might be interesting to toss out there.

I thought it might be interesting to do something like a Gorilla Enclave where there is certain decor, items, etc, but themed more towards a lioness-only feel.

So like the Gorilla Enclave, we could be given a quest to find a Lioness with a specific base, marking, stats, or even more intricate than that. I think the story along that could be like a bunch of lionesses just enjoying each others company without kings/cubs etc or something like that. I think this would be a fun way to get rid of NCLs that isn’t sending them away back into rotation for others to pick up, or sending them into a nature reserve/killing them etc.

I think rewards could be like unlocking tiers depending upon how much they trust you (who is a king) and how many other lionesses you can find to join their pride. Currency could be unique, or just SB.
Another little detail could be the option to pick a lioness from the crowd who “misses cubs” or some story like that. Similar to the giving tree as well, but a chance to pull some nice randoms!

I know its very similar to the Gorilla Enclave but I think it would be something fun! Also allows for new decor (or old ones brought back out!). I love doing little quests like those, so I think it just adds something into the mix!! Tell me what you think!

EDIT: Here’s another idea to add onto it f some think it is too easy:
I don’t think freebies are worth it because even I wouldn’t want the game that way, it takes the work that we love out of it. So maybe there could be different tiers!!! First level is basically NCLs, and when you turn in an X number (say 10?) with certain requirements, you move up to the next one, which is like common slot markings. So on and so forth, like having to find a breed-only marking or whatever in the 4th tier, making it so you have to be more and more involved with the game instead of just giving and getting. It could depend on your level of “trust” or tier you are in with the lioness pride. So unlocking tiers with how much you contribute. Even getting closer to a top tier, I think it would be good for middle level players to go back and forth with lionesses.

This suggestion has 54 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 10/10/22 @ 16:16:22 by WaspHoney (#330513)

HEIR) (#324472)

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Posted on
2022-10-04 17:43:28
I love this idea sm! im not sure if itll ever get added, as it is a very large feature, but id love to see it!

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Swamp Thing (#134763)

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Posted on
2022-10-07 19:58:03
It could be like a raffle cub? Like the raffle lioness? Id be worried people would just send a bunch of potatoes like they do the tree (yes there are good cubs at the tree but mostly potatoes).

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WaspHoney (#330513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-08 17:37:27
Moonshine [@134763] I think the requirements to submit a lioness would battle that potatoey-ness of the giving tree. However they could do things like require X amount of markings or a X sort of base, making it more difficult but also fun for the people who have pretty lionesses to get rid of. I appreciate you thinking of things like that tho!!

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Akiosecret 💙 (#312830)

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Posted on
2022-10-10 05:20:40
I don't support. Nobody would get rid of pretty lionesses when they could actually profit and sell them. For this to be worth it, there would need to be a big prize, and If there's a big prize then people would use that to sell their lions to instead of TC.
Even if there's a bigger goal to work towards, like a currency you get in small amounts, it would just be a copy of the Enclave.
As for the giving tree ( or equivalent) idea, I think that's completely bogus. This game is about patience and working your way up (at least in my interpretation) and being able to easily grab a FREE pretty lioness would break that. Even if you were to edit the suggestion to lax the donation requirements, then you might as well just go claim an NCL. The chasing system we have already is perfect for getting free pretties, and there's a lot of value on them for many different reasons. If this idea were implemented, I think the market value would absolutely drop, and new players would be getting good lionesses without putting in the work like we all have to do.

If you want to get rid of a lioness that bad, there is ALWAYS someone who will buy it (in my experience). I seriously doubt this will ever get implemented, and If it does I'm sure a lot of people would stop playing.

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WaspHoney (#330513)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-10-10 15:42:21
Hey Akiose! [@312830] I appreciate you giving an opposite view because it helps me work out the kinks in the idea.
The idea isn’t to get rid of pretty lionesses for free, just to fulfill a requirement to get rewards, so extremely similar to Enclave.
I don’t think freebies are worth it because even I wouldn’t want the game to go that way, it takes the work that we love out of it. So maybe there could be different tiers!!! First level is basically NCLs, and when you turn in an X number (say 10?) with certain requirements, you move up to the next one, which is like common slot markings. So on and so forth, like having to find a breed-only marking or whatever in the 4th tier, making it so you have to be more and more involved with the game instead of just giving and getting. It could depend on your level of “trust” or tier you are in with the lioness pride. So unlocking tiers with how much you contribute. Even getting closer to a top tier, I think it would be good for middle level players to go back and forth with lionesses.

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🖤🩶🤍💜 /
Arrow/ (#354179)

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Posted on
2022-10-19 15:32:39
no- but we need this.


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