Posted by CCS textbox coding templates

} (#262156)

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2022-10-06 05:59:14
this is mostly for myself and future reference but feel free to add on anything else :)

for creating a link in a CCS textbox:
<*a href="LINK">What you want your text to say<*/*a>
copy and paste the link in the LINK section and add what you want your link to say in the second part
remove all asterisk (*) from the code and you should be good to go

for creating a picture in a CCS textbox:
<*img src="LINK" width=200*>
upload your image through imgur and open the image in a new tab, do not immediately copy the link
copy the link of the image in a new tab (it will now be a .png and be useable) and paste it where the code says LINK
you can then adjust the size of the picture by adjusting the number above
remove all asterisk (*) from the code and you should be good to go

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