Posted by Looking for lion scrotum for BB

’« (#144353)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-10-09 14:26:01
My dwarf lioness is going into heat here soon and I really want to use some breeding items to help get a cub with dwarfism. I have already looked into some tips and tricks and I have buffy balls but now I am looking for a lion scrotum. I have 236 BB's and 60 DS right now so I'm looking to trade BB's for a lion scrotum. I also have 99 MT if anyone would like me to get anything from there too. I can grab any amount of things from the shops as long as I have the funds, I will editing this frequently to update what I have for both currency's. My dwarf has 3 days left on her cooldown so I still have a bit of time.

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Edited on 09/10/22 @ 14:47:32 by 💫🥀Athena🥀💫 (#144353)

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