Posted by | Blue’s Beauties - colorful lions for sale! |
![]() Lemon | G1 ennedi 1.9k (#325948) Astral View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-10-13 06:17:30 |
Blue’s BeautiesHi all - I have some lions for sale! Some will be auctions, some will be already listed on the TC for buyout. Currently, the majority are trading center listings. DM if you want to bundle or see about trades. In addition to the ones listed below, all of the lions in my crossroads section are for sale. I am slow with updating this, so check out that cave for all available lions! If offering lions to trade, they must be CLEAN and less than 10 gens. No male cubs. I prefer colorful bright markings. Rules1. Conversion rate is 1000 SB to 1GB. You can make offers all in one currency or in a combination of the two. Will ONLY accept offers in currency at this time. 2. All non TC listings will have a starting bid (SB), minimum increase (MI), and autobuy (AB). 3. I will consider haggling for TC listings and auto buy prices. I am somewhat new to the site, so still figuring out good values for lions. I am a long time player of sim sites like this so I know the drill of how auctions and sales go down, but I won’t pretend I have nailed costs yet. 4. Auctions will either end the days cubs turn 1 year 11 months unless otherwise specified. All will have a ruling that if no new bids have been made after five ROs, auction will go to current highest bidder. 5. First image is the lion as an adult. Some are posed by their personality (not all tho bc I uh. Forgot on some.) They will NOT come in that pose. It will also click to the lions page. They will be shown as their current gender. If they are an adult I will note if they are sex changeable. Second image will show them at 100% opacity. 6. If you do not respond to the private trade request after 48 hours, the lions will go back on sale. 7. Some are listings from my alt account, so don’t be alarmed if they are different accounts 8. I reserve the right to cancel before auction ends. Now, let’s see the lions! Auctions1. Mars - Clean, female Gen 5, palomino base(red light countershaded common), scarce cream lighter mane, blue eyes, 5m ![]() ![]() Markings: Slot 2: silky luster (84%) Slot 3: gold limb spotting (50%) Slot 6: cinnabar undertone (65%) Slot 7: haliotis cheetah (58%) Slot 8: chocolate saddle (18%) In TC for 200sb! 2. Molly - Clean, female Gen 3,vandal base, blue eyes, 5m ![]() ![]() Markings of note: Cimmerian okapi In TC for 200sb 3. Chilly - Clean female Gen 5, umber (rare), blue eyes, 5m ![]() ![]() SB: 100sb MI: 50sb AB: 500sb Current bid: Auction ends: tbd 5. Mouse - Clean female Gen 5, mauve (common) with lagoon skin, aqua eyes, 4m ![]() ![]() in TC for 250sb! 6. Kevin - Clean female Gen 5 maroon base (rare), saffron eyes, 4m ![]() ![]() SB: 150sb MI: 50sb AB: 400gb Current bid: Auction ends: tbd 7. Meadow - Clean female Gen 5, bisquit, sunset eyes, 5m ![]() ![]() SB: 150sb MI: 25sb AB: 400sb Current bid: Auction end: tbd ![]() Edited on 15/10/22 @ 10:07:14 by Blue | G4 felis x2 pulsar (#325948) |
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