Posted by Breads' MANY linearts (WIP)

Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-10-14 17:40:37
here i will be selling old base linearts i've made! a long time ago i was trying to practice art style consistency/anatomy, and that resulted in a lot, and i mean, a lOT(over 150) of unused linearts i'd like to sell for lioden users to use. i don't want to make them into adopts because of my queue, so they will be sold as is.

1. you can edit, make adopts, use it for your oc, ask someone to color it for you, do anything you like. but you must credit me for the base. you can use the base as many times as you please.

2. you cannot resell any base, or the base you bought. anything sold to you belongs to you. if someone else wants to use the base they'll have to buy it too. i just want to keep track of who owns what. once you buy it i'll send a transparent file.

3. to add onto rule 2, each base has limited slots, and a set price. I really want to sell all of these bases i have. each base will mark their availability, and if a base is popular enough, i'll bring it back into circulation later.

4. once payment is transferred, the lineart is yours. I do not do refunds on bought bases.

5. you get the base as is, unless you want thicker lines for an extra 10 gb, smaller changes, 5 gb, species/body size changes depending on how much the base needs to change.

6. for every 15 bases bought, i will release a free base at random!
vote here for what you want to see as a free to use base!

i also take certain base, breeding stuff, just ask.

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 21:05:14 by YourLocalBreadDealer (crb god) (#146681)

Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-14 17:40:45
IMAGES COMING SOON just trying to gather them all up and finish the list.



5 gb per kit base
unlimited slots available

parents and kits:

15 gb per mom and kit set
4 slots available

sideways view adult reference

10 gb
8 slots available

5 faces/expressions bundle

10 gb
2 slots available , any 5 of these faces below.


Rabbit (red):
10 gb
5 slots available
adventure time snail:
2 gb
unlimited slots available
Wolf (purple):
10 gb
5 slots available
Dino/dog (green):
15 gb
5 slots available
sitting lynx:
5 gb
5 slots available
running cat:
10 gb
5 slots available

lion poses:

5 slots available
5 gb each


5 slots available
7 gb each
more coming soon

ANTHRO others:

coming soon.

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Edited on 14/10/22 @ 21:46:42 by YourLocalBreadDealer (crb god) (#146681)

Malicious Intent
[he/him] (#157852)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-15 12:21:17
would you accept a shard body applicator for the sideways view adult reference?

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Bread🍞Dealer🥞 (#146681)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-16 20:18:15
totally!! sorry for the late response, in the middle of moving

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