Posted by | Deaf Mutation Adjustment |
Kitsuma (#128201)
King of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2022-10-15 15:31:22 |
Hey there, I was browsing the different mutations to see all what there were again. I noticed deaf is considered lethal but being blind and eyeless is not. I feel like that is quite unfair. I read the death notes on the wiki that is also given if they managed to make it 4 years old and those kind of events could happen to anyone, even those with no physical problems. I understand them not being kinged or able to hunt/patrol, though being deaf, while making it harder to hunt, it wouldn't make it impossible. But for gameplay purposes I can see it. However, to once again have being blind or eyeless not a lethal mutation seems unfair. I don't think being Deaf should be considered lethal. If it must be lethal, I would suggest making Eyeless and Blind lethal as well then. Below, I will list the death messages from the Wiki to help show my case on why deaf should either not be lethal or blind/eyeless should be. "[NAME] was found dead on the outskirts of your pride's territory. They appear to have been lethally shot by wandering humans. Of course, they couldn't hear them approaching." They have more than just hearing, and even non-hearing impaired can be snuck up on. They have scent and they have sight. A blind/eyeless lion is just as likely to be shot by a human for not "seeing" them. "Your pride members found [NAME] horribly mutilated out near one of your hunting spots. Judging by the wounds, they were viciously killed by a vengeful elephant." This one doesn't even have anything to do with their disability. A non-disabled lion is just as likely to be killed by a vengeful elephant as anyone else. If it's because they couldn't hear the elephant approaching, there is a text for a life event as they grow older that debunks this. "Had it not been for the vibrations from the stampede, [NAME] would have been promptly trampled by the oncoming mass of wildebeest." Elephants are not small creatures. If a deaf lion can feel the vibrations of a wildebeest stampede, they will be able to feel the vibrations of a charging elephant. -------------- "Today, your pride is mourning the death of [NAME]. They were scavenging near the river, and didn't see the nearby crocodiles. One of your pride members called out a warning, but [NAME] was unable to react in time." This one I feel is acceptable and not much to debunk or fight against. Not being able to hear the warning would be important and crocodiles camouflage and being in water cannot be scented, however, anyone who can hear could easily not react in time. So I feel like unless all lions will have a chance to randomly die this shouldn't be here. Also to bring back vibrations, if the deaf lion is that sensitive, would they not be able to feel the vibrations of the water? "[NAME] was caught unaware by a stalking leopard, who quickly dispatched them." Once again, leopards also are great ambush hunters. Even non-hearing impaired can be caught off guard and killed. We see it all the time. "If only [NAME] had been able to hear the rattle, warning them off from the snake's nest. Alas, the warning went unheeded, and the mother rattlesnake struck swiftly." This one is like the crocodile one. It makes sense. It does. However, a rattlesnake can still be scented. "What if it's downwind?" A reasonable argument, but why do blind/eyeless or just the clueless or bullheaded not get killed? Just because one can hear doesn't mean they are fast enough, or are able to pinpoint the exact location. They also have eyes. Yes rattlesnakes blend in, but if we're talking about a nest, that would be relatively easy to spot, especially if the deaf lion is used to having to be extra vigilant about being keen eyes since they can't hear. My father is hearing impaired, and while it has made some things vastly difficult it has not stopped him from being able to function. Yes, he's a human. These are lions. But these are lions that can have patterns from space, glowing eyeballs, and talk and make deals with gods, demonic, or even angelic beings. People and animals constantly learn how to adjust and work with their shortcomings. I think "realism" isn't necessarily the problem. But I do, with all my heart think that either blind/eyeless should be lethal if deaf remains so, or deaf should no longer be lethal. Of course, I don't think it should be lethal and should be the only mutation adjusted. |
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