Posted by Special mutations!!
Milo (#357952)

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2022-10-18 11:16:27
Okay so I've done some more research, and I'm pretty sure what I'm on about is a cutaneous horn or horns, it has been shown in humans and some other species aswell!!! Again I'm not too informed. But I feel like it would be really cool. Maybe it could happen due to the overgrown claws mutation? But it doesn't only happen on the head it could happen on the paws on the shoulder on the back of the lion, thats why I was talking about different variations like how piebalds have different variations!!! It just seems like a cool idea on my point but again some may argue we already have horns as decor. But there's another where it's like a bunch of bone or keratin under the skin instead? Like how some people have body morphs which gives them nubs on there head. That but naturally of course

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Edited on 18/10/22 @ 11:36:08 by Milo (#357952)

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