Posted by LF: Interstellar Remnants!! OF: multiple items

bo (#312478)

Prince of the Savannah
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-23 13:53:36
looking for interstellar remnants!

(willing to trade it for a mix of these items!)

GMO cow x2
Heavenly Serenity Base App x1
Lion Meat x1
Random Marking App x2
Red Bull x1
Astral Fire Base App x1
Den of Salvation x1 (Heaven Shop BG)
Dove Feast x2
Dust: Jasper x1
Grub x2
Possession Mane App x1
Valiant Markings x1

If you have Interstellar Remnants, lmk what mix of items you would be willing to trade for! :D

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