Posted by LF: 5 Yohimbe Barks

miyou [g1 5x dawn 2x
rosette] (#92001)

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Posted on
2022-10-25 14:40:23
hiya! looking for 5 barks. it'll be enough to give one of my RLC gals another heat. i don't really want to pay in GB but could for a few of them maybe. i value barks at about 20 GB per. branch prices are 30 right now but they were 20 very recently and i'm not really willing to pay 30 gb for a single day CD XD

5 barks would be valued around 100 GB, so i've got a few things to offer:

lion scrotum (worth around 60 gb rn, 3 barks)
crunchy worms (four for 5 barks)
GMO cows (3 for all 5 barks)
grains of paradise x4 (3 barks worth)
dry palm leaves (seems like 2 gb per 5 uses, i have 100 uses i could part with, so 2 barks)
broken drones & coconuts (10 per 1 gb, have enough for 1 bark's worth)
various applicators (if you're interested let me know and i can list them!)
leopon cub, would need to have other things alongside the barks to trade but would be willing to haggle greatly since i need the barks LOL
lions too, i guess! take a look at my caves if you're interested. probably willing to sell everyone but my RLCs and hybrids minus the one i'm already offering :3

tysm for looking! please let me know if any of this interests you. :3

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Edited on 25/10/22 @ 14:42:59 by miyou (#92001)

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