Posted by Pretty Cubs for Sale! Rare Bases and More!

Kaiju (#106065)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-25 19:39:51
Welcome! This thread will be regularly updated with lions for sale! You'll find pretty, special marking, and sometimes primal cubs!! ALL CLEAN! All sex changeable. *All images are shown with markings at 100% opacity*

All lions for sale are for OFFER! I will provide an Autobuy, but dont be afraid to offer less!!



Demonic eyes

Slot 2: Bone Undershine (18%)
Slot 3: Demonic Feralis (70%)
Slot 5: Sunset Crackle (84%)
Slot 6: Haliotis Cheetah (28%)

Autobuy: 150 SB



Very Low Fertility

Slot 1: White Blaze (85%)
Slot 2: Bone Undershine (29%)
Slot 3: Demonic Feralis (80%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (22%)
Slot 5: Sunrise Vitiligo (88%)
Slot 7: Sunset Feralis (24%)
Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (59%)
Slot 11: Hidden Marking

Autobuy: 300 SB



Slot 1: Bloodbourne Dapple (60%)
Slot 2: Bone Undershine (33%)
Slot 3: Demonic Feralis (60%)
Slot 4: Feralis Gold (16%)
Slot 5: Under Golden 3 (80%)
Slot 8: Sunset Lace (22%)
Slot 9: Sunset Siamese (88%)
Slot 10: Sunset Crackle (42%)
Slot 11: Hidden Marking

Autobuy: 200 SB


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Edited on 29/10/22 @ 20:05:48 by Kaiju (#106065)

Kaiju (#106065)

Bone Collector
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-29 19:57:17

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