Posted by Send a Mutie to the person above you!

angellovespies (#385357)

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Posted on
2022-10-26 10:25:45
Since the official send a mutie is down for right now I decided to make a new one!

How it works:
The person above you starts- saying what type of mutie they’d like to get
Disclaimer: it can be ANY mutie, however sending a specific mutie the person is looking for would be great too. Please do not whine to me in messages about the person not sending the specific mutie you’re looking for. Be grateful you got one at all.

Person A: wishlist: bobs folded and pies!
Person B: sending pie! Wishlist: lethal!
Person C: sending lethal! Wishlist: leopon!
And so on.

If a person below you does not send the mutie OR the lion they said is not a mutie please message me!!

Watch out for: nobody so far.

I am online 25/7 so if you have any questions or concerns don’t be afraid to message me!

I’ll start us off (meaning next person sends me any mutie <33

Lf: pies / cracked muties!
Not lf (possibly will resell): primal fangs, bobbed tails, folded, and any mane mutations!

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