Posted by Den Cleanout!

Karmasene (#345545)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-27 06:55:05
This is my first post ever anywhere so please excuse the errors!

- The first image will be their OG opacity, the second is their 100% opacity!
- Some of these cubs are CLEAN and some are DIRTY
- When bidding, please mention your bid amount and which lion you are bidding for
- Each lion will stay on the auction for at least 2 rollovers. Lions will be changed out often!
- The lion will be posed based on their personality
- Do not bid if you do not have the items you offered
- If you are planning to bid or offer it is recommended that you keep subscribe to this forum! If I am considering your offer, accept your offer, or have questions I will private message you!


I accept almost anything in substitute for SB or GB! A value list will be made!
List will be updated as I add and take away more items!
1 = 1,000
Lion Scrotum = 50
Buffalo Scrotum = 20
Crunchy Worm = 20
GMO Cow = 20
Lion Meat = 5
Instant Cub Delivery = 2
Energy Boost = 2
Frostbite Protection = 60
Feline Elysian = 60

SB = Staring Bid
CB = Current Bid
AB = Auto Buy
NCL = Newly Claimed Lioness

Cub 1 | 179 Stats | Dirty
SB: 200
AB: 1,000

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Edited on 17/10/23 @ 22:21:17 by Karmasene (#345545)

Sophie | G2 Torn 7x
Orchid (#368501)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-27 07:09:20
Hi there. can i please bid on adult 4 and cub 1?
i can do 175 SB for adult 4.
and for cub 1, would you take 1gb and reimburse me a few sb?

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Karmasene (#345545)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-29 15:58:59
(I believe I'm replying correctly)
How much SB were you looking to be paid back?

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