Posted by Trading items!

ThatOneLion (#263198)

Aztec Knight
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-10-30 02:25:10
Hello every reading this!

I will be trading a lot of different items here, hopefully one catches your eye!

Please state the item/ items you are offering for and how many, as some items have multiple and make sure to tell me what you’re offering for it!

I will be taking other items, currency and lions. I may decline your offer if it’s too low, or if someone offered higher.

To actually get an item, it has to be 3 or more days of your offer not being taken over, then I’ll put the item on hold and make a private trade for you! If you do not offer the assessments you told me you would, I will take the trade down and the item will be back up for offering.

If you see anything spelt wrong, a mistake then please PM about it and I will fix it! If you don’t like something, or have a problem with something, please do PM about it! I’ll see what I can do to help.

Now, lets get this started!

✨ Breeding Items ✨

Black Stallion ( x2 )

Cotton Root Bark ( x4 )

Great Tit ( x1 )

Roasted Vulture ( x2 )

Zebra Heart ( x2 )

Hyena Butter ( x1 )

🍀 Applicators 🍀

Applicator: Brawl ( x1 )

Applicator: Grunge ( x1 )

Applicator: Inverted Brawl ( x1 )

Applicator: Inverted Squabble ( x1 )

Applicator: Rumble ( x1 )

Applicator: Scraped Grunge ( x1 )

Applicator: Squabble ( x1 )

Brimstone Mane ( x3 )

Burning Embers ( x1 )

Eye Applicator: Demon ( x3 )

Feast Of Saint Patrick ( x1 )

Random Marking Applicator ( x1 )

Shard Fur ( x1 )

🪡 Items For Explore 🪡

Catnip ( x2 ) // 7 uses, one is 2 uses, other is 5 uses

Snake Scent ( x1 )

🍇 Items For Pride/King 🍇

Bone Marrow ( x1 )

Cleansing Ichor ( x1 )

Grub ( x1 )

Red Bull ( x2 )

Turritopsis Jellyfish ( x1 )

Marula Fruit ( x3 )

🌹 Gems 🌹

Gem: Celestite ( x1 )

Gem: Hematite ( x2 )

Gem: Howlite ( x2 )

Gem: Jasper ( x3 )

Gem: Kunzite ( x2 )

Gem: Meterorite ( x2 )

Gem: Moonstone ( x2 )

Gem: Nuummite ( x2 )

Gem: Periodt ( x2 )

Gem: Rough Opal ( x3 )

Gem: Rough Ruby ( x1 )

Gem: Sparkling Opal ( x1 )

Gem: Star Ruby

Gem: Tanzanite ( x4 )

Natural Glass ( x1 )

Phantom Quartz ( x14 )

Rainbow Stones ( x1 )

Shiny Black Rock ( x13 )

Shiny Green Rock ( x15 )

Shiny Orange Rock ( x19 )

Shiny Red Rock ( x16 )

Shiny Teal Rock ( x18 )

Shiny White Rock ( x32 )

❤️ Herbs And Plants! ❤️

African Cucumber ( x3 )

Aloe Leaf ( x9 )

Four Leaf Clover ( x4 )

Stripped Cacti ( x10 )

Umganu ( x3 )

Uqume ( x6 )

Uzara ( x4 )

Water Root ( x10 )

☠️ Backgrounds ☠️

Abandoned Cemetery ( x1 ) // 10 uses

Caracas ( x4 ) // 4 uses

Bloodbath ( x2 ) // 2 uses

Clean Lake ( x2 ) // 3 uses

Cozy Waterhole ( x1 ) // 3 uses

Dark Forest ( x3 ) // 30 uses

Hyena Lands ( x10 ) // 10 uses

Rock pinnacles ( x1 ) // 2 uses

Unholy Ground ( x1 ) // 10 uses

Wallowing Pit ( x1 ) // 9 uses

Wild Waterhole ( x4 ) // 11 uses

👑 Scars 👑

Scar: Anklebiter ( x8 ) // 70 uses

Scar: Back Scratch ( x3 ) // 13 uses

Scar: Beaten Up ( x1 ) // 5 uses

Scar: Belly Scratch ( x3 ) // 14 uses

Scar: Cheek ( x2 ) // 8 uses

Scar: Face ( x1 ) // 5 uses

Scar: Front Leg Left ( x6 ) // 30 uses

Scar: Hind Leg Left ( x4 ) // 20 uses

Scar: Hind Leg Right ( x2 ) // 8 uses

Scar: Hip ( x3 ) // 15 uses

Scar: Long Left Eye ( x2 ) // 10 uses

Scar: Long Right Eye ( x1 ) // 5 uses

Scar: Muzzle ( x2 ) // 9 uses

Scar: Neck ( x2 ) // 9 uses

Scar: Nose Ridge ( x2 ) // 10 uses

Scar: Short Left Eye ( x4 ) // 19 uses

Scar: Short Right Eye ( x2 ) // 9 uses

Scar: Shoulder ( x2 ) // 10 uses

Scar: Side ( x1 ) // 5 uses

Scar: Tail ( x1 ) // 4 uses

Scar: Torn Fur ( x2 ) // 10 uses

Scar: White Eye Left ( x4 ) // 19 uses

Scar: White Eye Right ( x3 ) // 14 uses

I will be adding more later! Hope you found something to your liking :)

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Edited on 30/10/22 @ 02:42:41 by ThatOneLion (#263198)

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