Posted by Snafu's Rabbit Hole!

Snafu [ he/buns/em ] (#157024)

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Posted on
2022-10-30 21:15:43

Here you'll find cheap lions, currently they will be coming from my current king but I am planning a new mutie heir!


>Please do not beg for a lion that has already been claimed. This will result in an immediate blacklist. Do not harass another user for a lion they got before you.

>If there are no lions present, please be patient!

>Most will be cubs! Rarely will I be adding an adult unless I need space

>They will not come with any background, pose or decor shown, please do not complain about it

>You’re welcome to buy as many lions as you wish! HOWEVER. If this gains traction and lions from here are at a higher demand, I will put a limit to how many you can buy per week. It’s only fair to let others have a chance.

>Lions will not be labeled clean or unclean, however you can go to see yourself.

>I would like to ask that you didn’t sell them as soon as you get them

>Lions will have their marking opacity unchanged (this rule was changed August 21, 2020)

>When a lion reaches adulthood before they are sold, they will be CHASED

>Some lions will still be nursing! Please wait for me to make a trade

+Most Images are not clickable, but you can find them in my unsorted!

[To buy a lion, please comment on the thread and I will set up a trade with you!]

Check back again tomorrow.. maybe some lions will appear!

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