Posted by Shortcut from Oasis/MB Purchases to Hoard

Ghilanain [frozen] (#129572)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-11-01 03:19:25
I think it would be neat if a little shortcut link could be applied to the green message when you buy something in the Oasis/Monkey Business, that takes you directly to that item in your hoard.

For example, if you purchase 1 Instant Cub Delivery item, there’s a clicky link within the green message that shows up at the top of the Oasis page, which upon being clicked takes you directly to the item page that lets you select which lion to use it on.

Unless some sort of ‘recent purchases’ tab is added to the Hoard, I think this would only really be applicable to when you buy one item/several copies of the same item though :/

Would love to hear your thoughts on this! :D

This suggestion has 13 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Capt fluffbutt
(strat) 🇵🇸 (#64710)

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Posted on
2022-11-01 04:13:32
Definitely support! And can we add a linky thing after we use eye and skin rocks as well. Once after use, it leads us back to the lady. I noticed other apps/items have this but these two don't .

It'll be super handy

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