Posted by Auctioning this Heir worthy male

muffinsaur (#221710)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-03 03:59:11
Male here!
He's clean and I believe he's heir worthy.
Auction ends at 1 year, 11 months or earlier.
Base: Obsidian (Black Skin)

Slot 1: White Back Spotting (17%)
Slot 2: Vitiligo 2 (35%)
Slot 4: Noctis Points (16%)
Slot 6: Hibiscus Feralis (42%)

Genetics: Black Dark Solid Common
Eyes: Pink
Mane Type: Incubus
Mane Color: Bloodbath

SB (Starting bid): 100sb
MI (Minimum increment): 20sb
BO (Buy out /Auto buy): 2gb

This is my first auction so I hope I'm posting it in the right board. If I'm not, please inform me and I will move to the correct area.

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Edited on 03/11/22 @ 03:59:41 by ᴀʀᴄʜ ᴀɴɢᴇʟ (#221710)

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