Posted by Want Large Rocks and Leaves

ens (#330273)

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Posted on
2022-11-03 14:40:44
Not sure HOW I managed to do this but I accidentally sold all my large leaves and rocks at monkey business :) I just needed one more rock and I could finally have another cave after months of collecting and I have tried looking at trading center but people charge a ton of money for those items and I struggle to just have over a thousand silver beetles, If anyone has large rocks and leaves that they are willing to trade for or sell cheap I will gladly accept, I have several cubs up for trade that I can just give to you in exchange if you would like instead of purchasing :)

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SNUFF-U-OUT (#371749)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-03 15:02:27
Hey hey! I only have one large rock, but ill take just 50 SB for it, if you want to pay less that's fine, nothing less than 25 tho pls!

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Edited on 03/11/22 @ 15:04:24 by SNUFF-U-OUT (#371749)

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