Posted by -LOCKED - Liotah/Cheeton new hybrid idea

AvalonArts2 | G1
Horus Ennedi (#182695)

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Posted on
2022-11-05 18:07:12
Lion x Cheetah new hybrid mutation idea
Leaning towards the name Liotah but Cheeton is on brand I guess? Lol

A sleek yet bulky build with a cheetah’s tail and a slight mane running down half its back like a king cheetah’s. All are smaller than lions, but bigger than cheetahs, not by much tho. You can really see the cheetah features in the face, tail, and mane. The lion features are bigger paws, and body shape.

As cubs, Liotahs are very small but feisty hybrids.
As adolescences, they can be very aggressive as a way to intimidate predators and rivals.
As adults, they’re thought to still be quite aggressive but are just softies under all that short stature.

Adult male and female Liotahs have their differences too. Females always have a welcoming feel about them, where males come across as all testosterone and ready to fight god. And, of course, males have a more noticeable mane than females.

I am working on sketches of all life stages for these hybrids, I even have plans for the adolescent and adult looks for both genders. To see concepts, admins feel free to find me on discord. You can even dm me for my discord.

I haven’t seen any cheetah x lion hybrid suggestions, so I apologize if I’m stealing someone’s idea that is not my intention at all.

This suggestion has 10 supports and 32 NO supports.

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Wulfraptor (#242597)

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Posted on
2022-11-05 18:26:40
uh I think the devs have ruled this one out... It'd be cool but I think they already said no. cheetahs are basically in their own genus closest thing is a puma... sure pumas have crossed with leopards before there is no evidence even they could mate with lions and produce anything.

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Edited on 05/11/22 @ 18:46:36 by Wulfraptor (#242597)

Sofia (#463094)

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Posted on
2024-02-26 06:23:43
pumas are mountain lions :D

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Flame (#431785)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2024-02-28 16:06:54
Lions and cheetahs cannot realistically cross-breed. In a realistic sense, it’s genetically impossible; lions being from the genus Panthera and cheetahs being from the genus Acinonyx. Painful, but since we do have primals and all these lovely fantastical base/marking colors, I suppose anything’s possible.

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Posted on
2024-10-08 14:24:11
Hi there!

This has already been suggested on this topic. You're welcome to pledge your support there, or post any feedback or suggestions you may have!

As this is a duplicate topic, it will be locked.

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