You read a sign that shows the green, black and yellow shades of the rift that the owner calls home, and soon enough a lion comes and lays before you.
Welcome wistful ones, before we start I have a few things that Must be made irritatingly clear." Her tone was stern as she gestures to three boards with her broad head, "Read these and know that any disregard for the notes may result in being skipped for a period."
Thread Rules{any disregard here will result in a minimum 3 page skip, and will increase with repeated offences, Third offence will result in any forward posts being ignored *see rule 5*}
1) Respect at ALL TIMES!!! {This is the only rule I will not give second chances for.
2) No item lists, this is a LIONS ONLY thread.
3) Items not Explicitly listed as a no may be gifted. {Note: I will be participating as well, so I will read most of these. I welcome DMs to sort problems}
4) Anything in a person's NO list means None under any circumstances{SCable does not invalidate their preference.}
5)You get 3 chances, after that you will be skipped any time you post.
6) With the previously mentioned in mind: No Skipping, If you've got anyone on the thread blocked, you must wait for someone else to post to them before you post{This is to avoid unfair situations all around.}
7)Age matters!!! The oldest a lion should be when sent is 7yo[with CD} or 8 {without} unless specified; Young denotes less than 4yo, a cub is anything up to 1y 11mo.
7)Mods{as i gather them} hold the same power in the thread as I do, they say something, it is done...However if it is felt that they are abusing the power Dm me and I'll deal with it.
Thread standards{This is a big one for any who are after looks as well as stats/heritage}
1) A potato is considered anything with less than 5 markings with at least 3 being high visibility *Note: Hidden don't count here*
2)Ugly lions Denote either a potato{4or less marks} with clashing marks or marks that are not/barely visible, a base and marks that don't flow well, or a colorbomb that causes eyestrain{eg. a bright yellow base and loud markings}
3)Clean here means if there is no inbreeding on the great-great-grandparents' heritage page, Squeaky clean is none what so ever, clean and polished is no inbreeding and no big 5
4)Stats are hard, especially for new players, so be kind, I've yet to see many clean breeders crown 500 stats that are willing to gift them.
5)Don't expect perfection, getting stats and looks on a clean line is hard to do especially if you've only just started
Thread mod application
Yes, I have expectations for everyone who tries for this; I've seen what happens otherwise.
Mods for this thread must: Be familiar with the game, in this case, no less than 5 months on site
Be able to access discord at least once a day
Be accountable, and able to take criticism
Be able to take the reigns if I am unavailable. if you think you can hold to the expectations above, Dm me the following form, completed, and we will talk. Lioden User/ID:
Discord User/id:
Time on site?:
Experience with threads?:
Activity Level{please be honest} 1-10:
At first I intend to take 4 mods and another admin for the thread, all of whom will have a lion posted with mine for easy access to users.
I'll start this party off with my simple wishlist.
No: Males
Potato lions
Less/-ie/OG muties
No frozen lions
Nothing older than 6yo please
NCL bases unless special{Absolutely no gold NCL bases}