Posted by !𝙾𝙿𝙴𝙽! Ira’s Heir Designs

Ira ~||they/them||~ (#259827)

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Posted on
2022-11-07 13:19:57
πš†π™΄π™»π™²π™Ύπ™Όπ™΄ πšƒπ™Ύ π™Έπšπ™°β€™πš‚ π™³π™΄πš‚π™Έπ™Άπ™½πš‚
Welcome everyone! Before we get into business I wanna lay down some ground rules
πšπš„π™»π™΄ 𝟷: Do not be rude to me or other players!

πšπš„π™»π™΄ 𝟸: I have the right to deny service! If I can’t get behind your idea or I think the idea is inappropriate I can deny service. Don’t worry once I agree I won’t be backing out

πšπš„π™»π™΄ 𝟹: If you refuse payment I will block you and black list you no hesitation.

Ok so I’m starting off pretty cheap so even new players can afford my services, there will be two tiers of service.

πšƒπ™Έπ™΄πš 𝟷
With Tier one you’ll get 1 Wip! If you’re not satisfied with the end result LET ME KNOW don’t feel guilty if you don’t like it, I can redo it free of charge. The price of this service is 500 Sb! You’ll pay 250 up front and the last 250 once the job is done. If you have questions please ask!

πšƒπ™Έπ™΄πš 𝟸
You will get 3 WIPs! These 3 can be based off one singular idea or multiple. If you want to know how to exactly acquire the type of heir I designed this is included in this package, all you do is have to ask and if I don’t know of the top of my head I’ll do research for you. Again please ask for this if you want it. This Service will be 1000 Sb! You’ll be giving 500 Sb up front and the last 500 after the job is done, if you have any questions let me know!

π™΄πš‡πšƒπšπ™° 𝙸𝙽𝙡𝙾
I do accept item payments! I will mostly only accept applicators but feel free to ask.

I only take three customers at a time! If I already have three you will have to wait

I’m open to most if not all ideas! I can design after certain decor you want to use or simply just off your favorite color

I work pretty fast 99% of the time but I ask you at least give 1 week to finish your Wip or Wips. Especially if you order tier 2

π™²π™Ύπ™Όπ™Όπ™΄π™½πšƒ π™±π™΄π™»π™Ύπš† πšƒπ™Ύ π™Ύπšπ™³π™΄πš

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Edited on 10/11/22 @ 22:20:40 by Ira ~||they/them||~ (#259827)

Wyn| G1 Purple BO (#344111)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 13:24:55
Hi! Do u possibly have some examples of prior designs you've done?

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Ira ~||they/them||~ (#259827)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 15:05:52
I do! For some reason I’ve had trouble with doing images on lioden ever since I got a new phone so would you mind wardrobe links? It sucks I know

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Wyn| G1 Purple BO (#344111)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 15:08:58
No that's totally fine ^^

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Ira ~||they/them||~ (#259827)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 15:31:20
I made these for a friend so hopefully they’ll suit your taste

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