Posted by SOLD 🔥🐯

Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 11:05:55
Baby tigon

She is fully breed only
🐯 breed only Champagne base (GLCR)
🐯 BO skin color - pale
🐯 BO eyes - Sunglow
🐯 BO mane - Royal Champagne
🐯 3 BO markings: Almond Underfelt, Feline 9 Fiery & Ginger Freckles 3

🐯 She's been born recently and will be sold as a cub so she'll have all 8 heats


I'm looking for around 300gb 500 in value for her. Preferably pure or 25 Crunchies or mix of those. I will be considering only the offers where half the price is covered in GB or in crunchies - so at least 250gb pure or 13 crunchies must be in the offer (or 210gb & 2 crunchies - you get the idea)

Items accepted
🍾 pure
🍾 Crunchy Worms - 20gb per
🍾 Shadow of Death - 5 gb per
🍾 Buffalo Scrotum - 35gb per
🍾 GMO cow - 35gb per
🍾 Lion Scrotum - 50gb per (max 2 in the offer)

ask about other items - ONLY if they are breeding ones though

She'll be out on TC once she's 5 months.

For Chatbox Sales: Baby tigon for GB/Crunchies 🔥🐯

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Edited on 25/11/22 @ 06:23:54 by Magnituda [G2 Harleq Sahara] (#200075)

Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 12:04:58
Is she clean?

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 12:06:59
No. I'd write if she was since I usually keep track of the generations of clean lions

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Legolas lover) (#246866)

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Posted on
2022-11-08 12:08:11
Oh mk! Thanks for answering x

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Rin ~ LPC (#21176)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-11-10 23:17:41
I offer 300 GB for her

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 01:48:46
I've sold mamy hybrids and it's the first time when the first offer is exctly what I want (aka pure GB). I didn't think I have such luck so I've checked the TC just to see (idk why I haven't done that before making this thread). And omg the prices of gons skyrocketed. So I'm looking for around 500gb now I'm sorry for this but it's the last tigon I'll be selling this year so I want to milk it as much as I can 😅

Though I'll keep your offer in mind if she won't sell relatevily quickly or the prices go down.

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Rin ~ LPC (#21176)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-11-11 10:20:50
Sorry too high. I've bought tigons for around 300 GB, mainly because they're not clean. Thanks, I spent $175 for nothing. Guess I'll have to hang on to my GB and see if another is offered for around 300 GB.

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 12:01:12
Yeah, I know. That's why that was my initial price. Bc they went for around 300gb (even clean ones). But that's the market. I guess there are not many hybrids born recently. I'm sorry but since there isn't any tigon under 2yo on TC for less than 500gb I don't want to sell mine for 300gb. Especially with Black Friday coming in few weeks (lots of people will buy GB so my, by then, 7-9 month old gon should sell quite quickly). There are 5 gons under 2yo on TC. One is G1 so doesn't count. One is in exchange for pie/patches MOD. Two are for 500-550gb. But there is one for any offers here. And clean one. So you can offer there If they won't accept here you have tigon under 3yo with 7 heats left.

Usually if I intend to buy GB solely for the purchase of specific lion (which I have done from time to time) - I first make sure that my offer is accepted. And you didn't spent it for nothing - you have 300gb.

I realise it's a disappointment. If I'd check TC before making this thread we could avoid this situation. I'm truly sorry for that. But like I said - if I have a chance to make 500gb instead of 300gb I'll take it.

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Rin ~ LPC (#21176)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-11-11 13:53:51
Funny, I couldn't even sell a tigon cub for 200 GB. Ended up keeping her. I have noticed that prices of everything are going up. Makes playing more expensive and less fun.

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 14:01:36
I sold plenty of hybrids. Patience is the key. And advertising. So idk As recently as few days ago I sold 6yo dirty tigon for 250gb worth of breeding items. But there was a time that cubs went for 200-250. It depends on the timing a lot.

Honestly I'm shocked bc for the 2 years I'm playing I've never seen such "shortage" of gon cubs that the only ones available for sale would be for 500gb. Idk maybe it won't last that long but I want to find out Maybe I'll get lucky.

Prices always fluctuate through the year. So that's perfectly normal. You can save the GB and buy the gon heat in February. Or a tigon cub. I'm planning on buying my next hybrid in March

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Rin ~ LPC (#21176)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-11-11 14:16:52
I've been playing for at least 8 years. Prices have never been this high for anything. I used to be able to buy 1100 SB for 1GB, now people are offering 500 to 800 SB for 1 GB. Thanks for your input :) Think I'll just keep an eye on prices and see what happens.

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Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-11 14:49:33
For the most things they indeed fluctuate. But let's look at Sunrise markings. They go for less than 15gb now and I remember that before July this year they were 25-30gb. So yeah... It depends on the item. And the time of year.

On TC people always offer less SB for GB than in Oasis GB sales. The exchange rate is 990sb to 1gb rn. So pretty normal. Last month needed SB (for Halloween bundles) and there was wet season yesterday (or the day before) so ofc there was more demand for sb. SB to GB exchange rate has been fluctuating between 800sb to 1300sb as long as I play. Ofc I don't know how it was few years ago but that's the economy. It's different now then it was.

But I want to sell something (a tigon in this case) so ofc I want to try get as much as possible. Especially since there isn't a lot of competition rn on TC. I can wait until the cub sells. But some people want quick sale, some people don't always check TC before making the trade - so I'm sure you'll find a gon cub

Let's just wish good luck one another and part ways Bc we're starting to clutter the thread. Who knows? Maybe no one will buy for the price I'm asking. But I want to find out. If she won't sell I'll wait till February to sell her for buffies. She should be around 2yo by then so still with 8 heats left. But maybe she will sell around Black Friday? I'm just wondering if it's really the price for which tigon cubs sell right now.

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Edited on 11/11/22 @ 14:56:19 by Magnituda [G2 Harleq Sahara] (#200075)

Magnituda|G2 Torn
Orchid,14BO (#200075)

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Posted on
2022-11-25 06:23:40
It sold for 400gb, MOD Cross and a Crunchy Worm 😃

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