Posted by 💎💙Azure's Auction💙💎
Azure (#330899)

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Posted on
2022-11-10 01:23:58
------PLEASE READ-------
1. Only bet if you have the funds to bet so
2. Males & Females will have their opposite sex pictures
3. All lions will be set in their personality poses
4. 1GB = 1,100sb
5. Lions are shown at 100% Opacity
6. All lions have links to their page (Next to their name)
7. A ✅ means that a lion is sex changeable and a ❌ means a lion can’t have their sex changed
8. Backgrounds do NOT come with the lion
9. The minimum increase is 50 on all lions
10. Once you win/BO a lion, you have two days to pay before the lion goes back up on auction

You can click on the names of the lions to see their actual page and the images displayed are of the lions and their markings as they are now. Please be kind to one another and if you have any further questions don’t hesitate to message me.
Items that can be used to bid, these prices will fluctuate as the market change's

âť—âť—âť—âť—ALL SALES ARE FINALâť—âť—âť—âť—

Work In Progress <3

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