Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-12 16:47:14
Hello! As the title says, I'm in dire need of the seraphim watcher background. However most are selling for over 10 gb. So I'm making my own topic to try and buy one for less. Or offer items to get it.

Here's a list of everything I'd be willing to offer:
295 Scb
enough piety for 1 mark of your choice
Inverted Brawl
Cloudburst Stains
Clouburst Mane
Murk Marks
Ethereal Fur
Gregarious Form
Penumbra Fur
Demon Eye App

Now keep in mind that I'm not giving up everything on this list for the background, but if you see something that you'd be willing to trade for then let me know, Thanks :)

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