Posted by Willows Auction
Onyx (#339664)

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Posted on
2022-11-13 22:39:24

1. Don't bid what you don't have
2. Lions are shown as they are
3. You have 24 hours after the trade is sent to accept it
4. Once the lion is yours you are free to do with it what you want
5. I accept breeding items as listed below

Black stallion: 1000sb/1GB
Crunchy: 15gb-20Gb (You my specific)
Crb: 1000sb/1GB
Gmo cow: 35GB
Lion scrotum: 60GB
Buffy: 38GB
Angelic blessing: 5gb
Lion meat: 10GB
Ibf: 2GB/2000sb
Pennyroyal: 1000sb/1GB


Now the lions, these are just a few test lions for now

Eden - Non mutated - Stats:192

Starting Bid: 100sb

MI: 35sb


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