Posted by RP Partner Search [MxM]

cosmo <Poop
Hoarder(tm)> (#381350)

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Posted on
2022-11-14 22:01:41

Input fancy coding here.png (/j, but I will fancy this thread up later).

Hello, my name is cosmokidd but you can call me either cosmo, kidd, or leo (my name). I'm transmasc and gnc with adhd and undiagnosed (suspected) autism (or fasd really) and I definitely prefer tonetags when communicating OOC about plot ideas and topics that require a more serious tone. Here are a few things I prefer when roleplaying:
• MxM pairings, even if they aren't intimate (MxMxM can also be discussed)
• co-operated/thought role-playing themes/both parties laying out the setting/tone/storyline
• a fluid storyline versus a script (i.e. going off of a synopsis or a paragraph and suggesting ideas as the roleplay progresses)
• Humanoid RPs, I'm not the best with feral Roleplays but I can try. (Humanoid can be nekomimi/angels/demons/fantasy or normal humans)
• semi-literate partners (no one-liners, 200+ words, proper grammar/punctuation/speech indicators (foreign languages can be auto-translated if desired))
• I mostly do realistic faceclaims versus anime faceclaims so please keep this in mind.
• Fleshed out characters are a must, even if personalities change along the way they need to at least have a solid background idea.

Current RP Superfixations:
- Gods in Host bodies (gods of all mythologies being a secondary ego within the human host)
- Coffee Shop x Tattoo Artist (fluffier, busy barista x relaxed tattoo artist ect ect possibly with supernatural occurrences that being them together)
- The Evil Within-esque mind-games/psychological, little to no gore, less horror more cat and mouse
- Honestly any supernatural creature or mystery tropes

Discord is spacekid#6742, mature themes completely optional feel free to discuss any questions here or on discord! I have a server template already with set-ups for multiple roleplays if you are interested with having more than one set of characters active

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Edited on 14/11/22 @ 22:05:47 by cosmokidd [they/he] (#381350)

Vero (#249644)

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Posted on
2022-11-15 19:22:36
Hey! I'll go ahead and add you! My user is Azvameth!

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