Posted by Little Bob tailed lioness

CB | finally back (#376196)

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Posted on
2022-11-16 11:16:50

I'll be putting her up for sale or I'm happy to trade for another lioness, she's okay, could use an opacity change though

Since she's a mutie I'd be looking for either 500SB or 2GB !

Not sure what I'd look for in a trade tbh, happy for offers though, atm she is still nursing, a cub to my PF lady

If I trade her it does not have to be for another mutie, I'm looking to do a breeding project so if you have a lioness with:
[Does not have to be all, one or the another lol]
Marbled skin
Onyx markings
Hyena blots

Please offer :)
Don't care if their dirty or clean, currently got a dirty line going.

Or I'd happily trade her for some of my wishlist items!

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