Posted by The Cub & Heat Auction Den!

Finch|Pie Moss agate
5x algae (#295439)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2022-11-18 14:48:47
Heyo! This is my very first auction so please stick with me on this!
*My computer is broken currently so I cannot post pictures!*

Welcome to Faded Sage's auction den! Here we sell cubs, lioness heats and more!
Here be some small rules!
*All bids end after two roll overs
*Please dont fight! Bidding wars welcome but inappropriate behavior isnt! Be kind to each other :)
*You can offer all sorts of stuff! Decors..lions..Anything! Just pm me or ask here if I'll take it!
*You have a whole week to buy out your trade! I know money can run tight unexpectedly so trades are set to a week long!
*I will put your lions heats studs and more here! Just pm me about it :)
*Sometimes I dont RO because of sickness or life just get ahold of me here: Lock & Key#6142
*ALL MI's are 100 sb! Once a lion in AB there is no more bidding! All AB's are 1 gb unless stated otherwise! :)
**ALMOST NO CUB IS MUTIE CHECKED!! So you MAY get lucky!**


Zarin (Common)-Green-Scare-Flint
Slot 1: Arctic Smoke (18%)
Slot 4: Proteles Scarce Ebony (18%)
Slot 7: Quartz Belly (12%)
SB:20 sb AB:500 sb

Shedua (Rare) White-Normal-Ebony
Slot 5: Aufeis Inverted Zebra (21%)
Slot 9: Ritual Dapple (31%)
SB:50 sb AB:1 gb

Russet(Uncommon) Crimson-Diabolic-Wicked
Slot 4: Blue Roan (48%)
Slot 5: Gold Dilution (39%)
Slot 6: Blazing Mist (30%)
Slot 9: Ember Crackle (35%)
SB:1gb AB:5 gb

Platinum(Rare) Sodalite-Incubus-Sidereal
Slot 3: Hyena Spots Scarce Ebony (90%)
Slot 5: Lilac Crumbing (15%)
Slot 6: Hibiscus Feline (33%)
Slot 7: Lilac Pelage (14%)
Slot 8: Ebony Okapi (69%)
Slot 9: Maofelis Lilac (84%)
Slot 10: Lilac Lace (16%
SB:50 sb AB:1 gb

Brown(Common) Black-Razor-Demonic
Slot 1: Brown Cowl (41%)
Slot 2: Darken Brown (50%)
Slot 3: Dark Brown Crumbing (70%)
Slot 8: Tan Cozy (1%)
SB:50 sb AB:1 gb

Fallow(Common) Crimson-Heavy-Firey
Slot 1: White Inverted Brawl (37%)
Slot 3: Hibiscus Rogue (47%)
Slot 6: Coral Soft Unders (33%)
Slot 9: Haliotis Feline (31%)
Slot 10: Haliotis Proteles (58%)
SB:20 sb AB:500 sb

Auburn(Common) Pink-Thick-Cloudburst
Slot 1: Feline 9 Orchid (54%)
Slot 8: Sunset Crackle (18%)
Slot 9: Pulsar Dim (29%)
SB:50 sb AB:1 gb

Wild Rose(Common) Black-Barbary-Shard
Slot 1: Steele Pelage (61%)
Slot 2: Onyx Back (80%)
Slot 4: Onyx Marozi (23%)
Slot 7: White Tips (72%)
Slot 8: Shard Hyena Blots Heavy (45%)
Slot 9: Shell Belly (37%)
Slot 10: Silver Vesture (1%)
SB:100 AB:1gb

Vandal(Common) Paradise-Normal-Nuumite
Slot 1: Red Lace (57%)
Slot 2: Feline 7 White (41%)
Slot 10: Vitiligo 6 (25%)
SB:50 AB:1gb

Dinar(Rare) Green-Incubus-Slate
Slot 1: Gilded Crumbing (47%)
Slot 2: Fiery Bottom (46%)
Slot 3: Hirola Carving (68%)
Slot 4: Feline 6 Onyx (86%)
Slot 5: White Blaze (58%)
Slot 6: Under White 7 (49%)
Slot 9: Feralis Noctis (56%)
Slot 10: White Ear Spots (59%)
SB:500 sb :AB:2gb

Wanna sell your lions heat? Ill sell them for you and all profits go straight to you!

My king is open to studding! A green man with 5x algae marks, a murk mane and sage eyes! Go check him out :) 250 sb or 1 gb!

[Your ad here]

Good luck!

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