Posted by Carnival event

Comet (#392676)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2022-11-22 00:14:36
The carnival
Things to do
-participate in lion v lion games matched by stats
-gamble on others games and win big
-gamble lion v lion whoever win gets the others lion
-do one person games where everyone teams up for a end of event goal
-get tickets from games and spend in tiered shops unlocked by playing the single player games
-get event only decor
-one big tournament at the end to see who gets a special lion based on stat levels ranges from 100-200 200-300 etc
Whoever has won the most games by the end gains a lot of tickets and gets to buy from the shop
Choose between 2 sides in the event
Ringmaster-help him set up games and let others have fun get payed for doing his tasks
Players-play games for possible prizes as mentioned before
Possibly win event only apps and a special jester event base or ringmaster gets games master event base
Player -jester base-green with accented purple and white
Ringmaster-game master base-black with accented white and red
Shops for both
Players-mentioned before
Ringmaster- using gamemasters favor you get some per task you do along with some sb 5-15sb per task easy 10-20per task med 20-30sb per task hard

This suggestion has 3 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Comet (#392676)

Total Chad
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-11-22 00:16:40
Suggestions are very much so wanted

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