Posted by Cubs for Sale! Rare Bases and Good Markings
Zaron (#392171)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-11-23 18:04:39
All cubs listed are clean and female! I'm not great at pricing right now, so make an offer and we'll negotiate! I mainly just want to get them to new homes, but what you do with them after is of no concern to me (Cubs can also be found in the den labeled "Homeland" on my page)

Cub 1:

Base: Jet (Black Skin)
Genetics: Black Dark Solid Common
Eyes: Yellow
Mane Type: Thick
Mane Color: Fawn
Markings: Slot 1: Steele Back (47%)
Slot 3: Cherry Upendezi (22%)
Slot 7: Feralis Onyx (1%)

Cub 2:

Base: Shedua (Red Skin)
Genetics: Red Dark Solid Rare
Eyes: Dunt
Mane Type: Thick
Mane Color: Cream Lighter
Markings: Slot 1: Steele Back (56%)
Slot 2: Under Silky 4 (25%)
Slot 6: Lilac Ends (55%)

Cub 3:

Base: Chocolate (Dark Brown Skin)
Genetics: Red Dark Solid Common
Eyes: Sage
Mane Type: Scarce
Mane Color: Cream Darker
Markings: Slot 1: Steele Back (60%)
Slot 2: Under Silky 4 (76%)
Slot 4: Fiery Quail Flecks (30%)
Slot 5: Blue Lace (48%)
Slot 6: Lilac Ends (43%)

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