Posted by {The Hidden Sanctuary's Lion Auction}

🦌Finch_Dane (#276751)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2022-12-01 10:56:34
{Welcome to the lion auction of The Hidden Sanctuary. The rules for this auction will be listed below, and the lions will be listed below them.}

- All starting bids are 100 sb

- The minimum increase for bids is 20 sb

- Clicking the name of the lion will take you to their page, where you can see them.

- Things like heritage will be listed on a lions auction profile.

- Do not bid what you don't have, and if you need to remove your bid, let me know.

- If you win a bid, then I will do a max of 3 private trades with you, if you fail to accept the trade those 3 times, or do not have what you bidded, then the trade will instead be sent to the second highest bidder.

- Do not start arguments in the chat please, it clutters up the chat, and is just an inconvenience to us all.

There are currently no lions for auction here, but there will be later on.

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