Posted by LF Offers on 3 MoDs

ecco (#275125)

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Posted on
2022-12-02 01:13:27

so i've got three mods, tovero, panda, and wicked!

currently, as we speak, im looking for offers on them; but i couldnt really go in depth on the trade i made because unfortunately, trades have a character limit lmaoo--

so here's the more in depth version!

tovero is my most favorite mod of the three, meaning the one i am least likely to let go of, with panda being a close second, and wicked being one i don't really care for!

in terms of offers, i am looking for the following;

other MoDs (i will look at all offers with the exception of fringe and spotted, as i do not like the mutation!)
unfrozen, preferably young, CLEAN hybrids (frozen hybrids will be rejected no matter how pretty they are, as i am looking for living hybrids, but i may make exceptions for dirty hybrids too)
pure (offers of 200 pure will be considered as, that is the base price for all these MoDs)
breeding items (crb, lion meat, gmo cows, buffys, gops, etc are the most considered!)
applicators (please inquire!)

some muties
-double uterus' (young, preferably with a min age of 4 yrs, clean preferred but very heavily appearance dependent, so dirty welcome)
-mane succubus'
-primal felis, ferus, or smilus (low gen, g2-g4 preferred AND clean, no exceptions)

some custom decor (please inquire!!)

please do not offer;
base, common mutations (primals, primal fangs, common mane mutations (mane mutations without specific requirements) or super common piebalds and patches)
may series of marking applicators (they make me uncomfortable to look at)

please be aware i do price based on average prices on tc/branches!

trade can be found here!

if i accept an offer on this post for all 3 mods, please offer on the trade in order for me to accept it

if i accept an offer for only 1 or 2, ill be cancelling the trade to set up a private trade

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Edited on 02/12/22 @ 01:14:40 by ecco (#275125)

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