Posted by LF specific marked lions

mothmagic | G1 Plum
RLC (#84472)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-12-03 01:39:12
Hello! I have dedicated most of my pride to attempt to eventually breed for my perfect heir. What does this lion entail, you ask? Oh just cinnabar margay and onyx okapi. Yeah, i’ve learned cinnabar margay does NOT pass very well! (Yippee)

Anywho, Im looking to buy lions with at LEAST two of the following. Must have at LEAST ONE star’d mark included.
-Cinnabar or any BO margay **
-Onyx Okapi**
-Any of the celestial marks
-soft rosette
-feline marks
-cherry marks
-BO marks in general

I am willing to put down a pretty penny if SOMEHOW you have a lion with every most of those traits that can be kinged. IF it has both CINNA margay and okapi. Although i’m not sure it exists, im still gonna throw that out there.
Not looking to pay extra for mutations, sorry. Don’t really pay much attention to them.

I will also pay extra for ebony or noctis base.

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