Posted by Canceled

Angelic (#338077)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-04 06:14:01

I also Have 2 Green Lion cubs that are 180-200 stats that CAN BE SEX CHANGED

Both are sex changable! Havent checked for a mutation so who knows, you might get a mutie!

Dont know how to link images, but Both of Gaia's Cubs are Up for trade They ARE NURSING! so ill reserve them for you!

Here Are some Items i Have for Trade aswell! Ill put their Branch Price up beside them so you can picture how much they are worth. If a price is to ridiculous tho, i will mark the price down!

Golden Fang of Apophis 3
Jewelry: Charming Chains [Moss Agate] 1
Royal Gem Bodywear [Bast] 5
Scarab Necklace [Bast] 4
Wing Bands of Bast 2
Winged Cobra Tailwrap [Golden] 1
Harbinger Teeth 2
Locust Earring [Blue] 1
Jewelry: Fire Opal Pendant 1
Jewelry: Nuummite Pendant 1
Jewelry: Rough Opal Pendant [x2] 1 per
Silver Black Quartz Ornaments 1
Silver Orange Quartz Ornaments - **Note they look more yellow 1
Silver Teal Quartz Ornaments 1

I Also have some Wallowing pit decors but im not offering them upfront as they are basically free!

I have very limited apps!

Penumbra Body - Hoping to trade this for a frostbitten base!
Ammonite fur
Ethereal Fur
Penumbra fur [x2]
Sacred Fur [x2]
**NOTE the Furs are a PACKAGE DEAL due to them being FUR apps.
Possession - Mane Shape App 2
Invocation - Mane Shape App [x2] 2 per
Skin Applicator: Lavender 2

HERES WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR!!! If they have *** it means i REALLY want them ^^

Teir 1:
Pear and Flow Ornaments
Snowy Den (bg) *
Frozen is Fight (bg) *
High Atlas (bg) *
Snowy Savanna (bg)
Snowy Rwenzori (bg)
Zvoncari Mask

Teir 2:
Snowy Mountain Top (bg) **
Ice Cave (bg)
Frozen waterfall (bg)
Flipped ice berg (bg)
Kuling (bg)
Koliada (bg)
Glaciar Cave (bg)
Snow-Covered Log
Reindeer Antlers
Krampus set (Tounge, Horns, Tail)
Christmas Rose Garland
Feline Wings Set (top and bottom)
Jingle Bells Ear Wrap
Winter Cub (albino + Melanistic)

Teir 3:
Frostbitten Base (1)
Jolly Pose (1+)

Items will dissapear from the list when i think i have enough!!

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Edited on 15/12/22 @ 18:56:01 by Angelic (#338077)

addylou (#391557)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-04 21:30:42
I have two items from the shop

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Angelic (#338077)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-04 22:01:56
What are they ^^ ?

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