Posted by Lion clear out (practically free)
b.bebs (#312354)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2022-12-04 16:45:55
i have tons of lcubs/adols up for trade and like most kids they arent out moving out as fast as id like. so, please look through my den. make me a offer of either some kind of nesting or food items (even if its low value and one use ) and ill accept the trade as long as you have space and your pride is happy and fed . smaller prides i may deny and send you the lion for free since it is the season of giving <3
please dont delete offers within 24 hours of making because i am on daily in the evenings . typically4pm-6pm lioden time

i have too many lions and not enough food/ nesting materials lol

if your in the same boat feel free to drop a link or request below

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