Posted by Interact with other players lions!

Speck069 💩 (#21041)

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Posted on
2022-12-07 16:40:55
Just had the idea that it could be cute to have the option to interact with other people’s lions when you visit them on their page! It would be something simple like “bap” “tug tail “admire” and would leave a little notification on that lion’s page that somebody visited! Only one lion per den, with a 24hr cool down on interacting with kitties in that same den again, but otherwise you can go page to page with no limits boop’in the lions :)

I often visit random lions or click on links and kind of want to acknowledge that I was there and thought they had cool decors or pretty markings in some way. Just a quick click to be like “nice lion bro” and hopefully the notification that someone visited would be a nice surprise. If one lion in a den gets frequent interactions, they could possibly earn a popularity title or small special decor! Otherwise an interaction might have a chance at giving them a skill bump or increase their morale by a few points. And there would be a rare chance that said lion would thank you for visiting by giving you a feather, toy, or some food!

Just a fun way to play with other lions and spread some serotonin :)

This suggestion has 76 supports and 1 NO support.

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Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Prince of the Savannah
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Posted on
2022-12-07 16:48:28
You can do a mood-boost with lions that are in a clan that you're in. But it would be sweet if we could do it to the lions who aren't in our clan also.

I remember in a different game (not mentioning) I could visit other players animals and they could be fed or played with.

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Speck069 💩 (#21041)

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Posted on
2022-12-07 17:27:10
I’ve also played some games that let you feed the pet or something, but knowing lioden they could make this type of option very interactive and amusing! It probably wouldn’t be too big a deal if there was no random morale boost in that case

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Fruitgummysnake (#235898)

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Posted on
2022-12-08 10:46:18
that would be really cool!

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