Posted by LF Offers on MULTI BO MUT MAZIWA

Severance 🌾 BO
Maziwa (#5558)

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Posted on
2022-12-08 08:17:06

Had this little cub born, too lazy to properly format this thread. Listing all of her Breed-Only attributes below;

Base: Maziwa
Eyes: Banana
Skin: Clouded

Slot 3: Tangor Crumbing
Slot 4: Royal Underfelt
Slot 5: Black Dorsal Line
Slot 7: Saffron Underfelt
Slot 9: Gold Dorsal Line
Slot 10: Bone Rims

Sixth generation(?) and Corrupted mutation.

Unsure of what to ask for her, I recently bred the Banana/Clouded combo back onto Maziwas since the only Maziwa lions with that combo (except for one) are part of a private RL line. The marks are fairly common, though, so yeah.

If offering items I am only interested in Buffalo Scrotums, Ochre Gnawrocks and Crunchy Worms at their lowest TC/Branch listing. Not interested in MODs. Other than that I'm predominantly looking for GB/SB.

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