Posted by Submales breeding

Churro (#244797)

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Posted on
2022-12-08 17:55:03


So I have an idea that I think would really add to the game. Right now, submales have little to no use in game and I see that a lot of my friends and lioden players in general don't have any. Lots and lots of male cubs get tossed out of prides or used as fodder everyday and the tree is almost always overflowing with male cubs because no one wants them since submales have hardly any use. I myself only use submales to train up a cub for when I king him, and then I toss that submale out because he just takes up food and toys. So, I have a proposal.
I personally think we should allow submales to be bred. Not as studs, I think we should keep submale breeding in our pride. So for example:
You have 2 submales and your main male. One of your lionesses doesn't really produce cute cubs with your main male but her and one of your submales produce the cutest little cubs you've ever seen. You could choose, instead, to breed her to your submale instead of having to suck it up and just use your main male.
No other players would be able to breed to your submale because he would not be for studding. That is your main males job. Your submale would just be there for your own pride.


❆ When going to a lioness in heat to breed her, there could be a drop down menu to select which male in your pride you'd want to breed her to.
❆ There could be a breeding cool down period of two weeks or longer for each submale
❆ There could be a lower cap for how many submales a pride could have. Maybe 2-3 max?


❆ Gives more use and purpose to the submale feature
❆ Less male cubs will flood the giving tree or be tossed aside
❆ Opens up a whole new market on lioden
❆ Gives players even more choices within their own pride
❆ More chances for pretty lions!!
❆ Maybe will lessen the amount of abandoned secondary accounts on lioden (1)
❆ Just makes males more desired in general

1. What I mean by this is that a lot of people have two pretty males that they would enjoy being able to breed but they can't use both because males can only be bred if the male is a main. So resorting to creating a second account to be able to use both males is most often what has to be done. But I personally have noticed that a lot of secondary accounts just aren't paid much attention to. So, main males will sit around on those accounts, taking up names that can be used for other accounts. Allowing people to use submales for breeding could lessen the amount of abandoned secondary accounts being made since people can just keep one of the males as a submale. This is just an example, though.

What do you guys think? I really really think submales need more use and that this could be one of the ways to make it a more used feature.

Edit: I didn't see the other post on this suggestion from way back that was rejected But I think we should start talking about it again

Also if anyone says this is unrealistic:
The game features rainbow lions and an event has alien space dragons. It's not realistic to begin with.

This suggestion has 74 supports and 10 NO supports.

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Edited on 08/12/22 @ 20:29:54 by Churro (#244797)

Pandora (#144118)

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Posted on
2022-12-08 18:05:04
Submales being able to breed is already a rejected suggestion.

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Churro (#244797)

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Posted on
2022-12-08 18:43:28
That's unfortunate, submales are really useless and the idea seems to be really supported :( (I looked for other posts and the one from 2013 seems to have been really liked)

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🌸 Aurora
(she/her) 🌸 (#367072)

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Posted on
2023-01-01 15:31:08
I agree with Churro. It would be pretty cool to see this feature. I wonder why it was rejected (iirc there wasnt a reason listed)

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Fraekinn [Cons Cimm
Ocey] (#57572)

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Posted on
2023-01-01 15:47:02
It was rejected likely due to coding issues: right now your kings cubs are tracked by your user id, to do that with a submale (i.e a male with a longer ID number) it would likely break heritages as not everyone stores their sub males in their dynasties. Its not as simple as making submales breedable, it would break a looot of the game's code.

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