Posted by What event item?

SummerSolstice (#315709)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2022-12-15 10:02:01
Hello! I've been having trouble making decisions this year! So what should I get from the tier 3 shop?

The items that gets the most voted gets sold or kept!

Poses and Markings
Jolly Poses votes:
Arctic Crevasse votes:
Aufeis Layers votes:
Dicey Ice votes:
Frostbitten Paws votes:
Glacial Special votes:
Ragdoll Scratch markings votes:
Reindeer markings votes:
Blue Poinsettia (markings) votes:

Arctic Frost votes:
Aufeis Overflow votes:
Frostbite Protection votes:
Glaciation votes:
Icey Spice votes:
Ragdoll Fluff votes:
Reindeer Mane votes:
Blue poinsettia Fluff votes:

Arctic Circle votes:
Chonky Ragdoll votes:
Aufeis Sheet votes:
Frostbitten Skin votes:
Glacial Facial votes:
Reindeer base votes:
Spicy Ice votes:
Blue Poinsettia (base) votes:

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