Posted by January storyline exp rewards
AredHel | UNK
scoundleo (#407624)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-19 06:28:35

I'm REALLY confused about the information provaded in the lioden wiki about january storyline, spefically the exp rewards you get by completing novel chapters.

For example, if you finish Novel 3 chapter 1, it is shown that your reward will be :
"You got +400 SB, +10% Impression, +20 LB and +200xLVL EXP!"

WHAT THE HECK ARE 'LVL EXP!'??? I will provide an example of my confusion.

Lets say my king is at level 9 where you have to get 7040 exp to upgrade him to level 10.

So it is like:
200 x 7040 = 1 408 000 exp

Or is it like:
Lets say my king has gained 49 exp so far on level 9, so then it would be
200 x 49 = 9800 exp?
This would be a whole lot more reasonable amount of exp to get in my opinion.

THOUGH I won't object to getting over 1 million experince points! πŸ˜‚

I am so confused πŸ˜…

I really hope someone can answer this πŸ™

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kingofthyme (#348593)

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Posted on
2022-12-19 06:48:21
its just saying you get 200 LVL EXP, not 200 x whatever you have. Basicly, LVL EXP is 1 point toward leveling up. 200xLVL EXP is 200 points toward leveling up. Hope this helps!

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AredHel | UNK
scoundleo (#407624)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-19 06:55:44
Thank you so much kingofthyme for clarifying this for me As I said, I was really confused πŸ˜‚

Getting 200 exp makes much more sense. I still find the way of expressing this as "+200 x LVL EXP" really strange since it can give a very wrong impression to someone like me πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ

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